The Atmospheric Composition (AC) group at the Earth Sciences Department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) aims at better understanding and predicting the spatiotemporal variations of atmospheric pollutants along with their effects upon air quality, weather, climate and socio-economic sectors. This is addressed through the continuous development and application of numerical models over multiple scales, from weather to climate and from global to urban scales.
The AC group offers an internship position for one junior research support engineer willing to evaluate the impacts of the chemical speciation of anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in main Spanish cities (e.g. Barcelona, Madrid).
Key Duties
- Processing VOC observations available in the Barcelona city
- Preparing anthropogenic emissions from the HERMES bottom-up model
- Preparing meteorological conditions obtained from a 3D numerical weather prediction model
- Setting up and running the box-model based on explicit chemical mechanisms generated with GECKO-A model
- Constraining box-model results with in-situ observations
Assessing the sensitivity of SOA formation to uncertainties on emissions speciation and scenarios
Data de tancament: Diumenge, 31 Març, 2024
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