El procés de selecció a Accenture

Lola Marcos directora de selecció d'Accenture ens presenta els perfils que cerca la companyia, els canals que utilitza per captar-los, com és el seu procés de selecció i alguns consells per superar l'entrevista.

Google Students - STEP - Summer Trainee Engineering Program

Students who have completed the first year of their university studies by summer of 2013 and are studying computer science or related subjects will be selected to participate in the program. This program includes three main components: a software project, skills-based training, and professional development. We will have STEP cohorts in four offices this year: London, Munich, Krakow and Zurich.

Google believes that in addition to hiring the best talent, a diversity
of perspectives; ideas and cultures leads to the creation of better products and services

Who should apply?
  • Be currently enrolled in a BA or BSC, majoring in computer science or a related degree
  • Have just completed your first year of undergraduate studies by summer 2013
  • Have programing experience in either Java, Python, C or C++
  • Students who are a member of a group that is historically underrepresented in the technology industry are encouraged to apply

Summer trainee program and applications process: Google Students Step

Applications are due by Friday, December 28, 2012

Week of Engineering Competition

La BEST Week Engineering Competition és una competició d’enginyeria a nivell local d’una setmana de duració. Els estudiants que hi participen treballen en equip fent ús dels seus coneixements tècnics, habilitats socials i de comunicació per tal de resoldre el problema presentat per l’empresa en un temps determinat.

Empreses participants 

Entrada destacada

Informe de Tendències Salarials 2025 de Randstad

En un context econòmic dinàmic i desafiador, el mercat laboral espanyol s'enfronta a reptes significatius, especialment en el que respec...