Civil Engineer per el Sincrotró ALBA

ALBA is the Spanish synchrotron light source, a large research infrastructure operating ten beamlines, complementary facilities, and an Electron Microscopy Center, this last in partnership with other institutions. Currently constructing multiple more beamlines, expanding the Electron Microscopy Center, and integrating advanced data analytics, it sums up a wide range of infrastructures geared toward finding solutions to societal challenges.


The main function of the Civil Engineer is to give support to the operation (infrastructures and supplies) and preliminary designs of different infrastructures projects.

In detail these functions would include:

• To give support to the preliminary designs of different infrastructures projects (building extensions and renovations and new labs, including construction elements, such as structures, forging, pavements, etc, and the associated technical installations such as HVAC, electricity, water, compressed air, etc).

• To generate economic budget and project execution schedules assigned to the work group.

• To draft project plans and technical specifications for the call for tenders of building projects (extensions, renovations, new constructions) and technical prescription sheets for the different projects and services assigned to the work group.

• To follow-up and supervise execution projects and services assigned to the work group.

• To organise and supervise tasks of building service and maintenance (small civil works and repairing, painting, plumbing, etc).

• To give support to the activity operation (infrastructure and supplies).


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