Finland works | EURES - European Job Days

Want to find a perfect balance for your work and life, breathe the cleanest air and live in the happiest country in the world? If yes, we welcome you to explore your future career during the ‘Finland Works’ live event! The event will take place on 20th March 2024,  11 a.m. – 3 p.m. (CET)!

This online recruitment event offers advice and unites jobseekers and Finnish employers. In the event, you will find a wide array of job opportunities in Finland across many fields of expertise. You will also receive useful information on living and working in Finland, social security and dealing with other matters such as taxes.

Jobseeker - Get the most out of the event by following this quick guide:

  • Create your profile and upload your CV right now, 
  • Apply for jobs right away and keep checking for new postings!
  • Prepare for interviews
  • Check out the event agenda (available closer to the event)
  • Get to know the employers by visiting their stands
  • Chat with exhibitors on the day of the event, click on 'Chat with Exhibitors' 

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