ICFO: Student Research Fellowships - Spring 2024

ICFO offers the opportunity to undertake a Final Degree Project / Masters Thesis or to participate in a Research Stay with one of our Research Groups.

The program offers up to 5 fellowships to outstanding students from top Universities worldwide.

Projects may be undertaken with any Research Group. Research lines include, but are not limited to:

  • Atto-Science, Ultrafast Optics & Nonlinear Optics
  • Photovoltaics, Thermal Photonics & Solar Fuels
  • Optical Sensing & Optoelectronics
  • NanoPhotonics & NanoMechanics
  • Ultracold Quantum Gases
  • Quantum and Low-Dimensional Materials
  • Quantum Communications, Sensing & Simulation
  • Quantum Optics & Quantum Information
  • Nanophotonics, Condensed Matter Physics & Light-Matter Interactions
  • Medical Optics
  • Biophysics, Biophotonics & Super-Resolution Imaging

Interested students should browse the different research group profiles available on the ICFO website, https://www.icfo.eu/lang/research, to identify the groups that best match their interests.

Deadline: 27th of March, 2024

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