Software randomisation compiler – Master Student (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Architecture and Operating System group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research on programming models for critical embedded systems in charge of controlling fundamental parts of cars, airplanes and satellites. Our work is mainly done in the context of bilateral projects with several processor companies as well as several European-funded projects. For a complete list of publications of the group in the last years, please visit:

The objective of this master thesis position is to develop an existing software randomization method in a compiler framework, for the computation of worst case execution time in safety critical systems, using the Measurement Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA). For the experimental assessment, space relevant software will be used to validate the correctness of the implementation on a space relevant platform. The work will be performed within the context of the “Open Source Software Randomisation for safe and secure space systems” project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), which is coordinated by BSC.

Key Duties

  • Implement an existing software randomization method in a compiler infrastructure
  • Evaluate the implementation using space relevant software on a space relevant processor
  • Document the application of software randomization in space applications, as well as the computation of pWCET using MBPTA

Data de tancament: Dissabte, 16 Març, 2024

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