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Research engineer - CI/Testing and Containerization expert (RE2) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computational Earth Sciences (CES) group develops and maintains a range of modeling and supporting software, much of which is deployed in production for operational runs. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in enhancing the robustness of these software systems and the efficiency of their development. Specifically, the candidate will be responsible for maintaining and improving the department's Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines, ensuring that the software remains robust and adaptable to evolving requirements. This role also involves leading the development and integration of a testing suite framework for workflow software, making it an integral part of the Autosubmit ecosystem. Additionally, the candidate will contribute to the portability of workflows and tools through containerization, establishing best practices for the department in this sense. Additionally, this position will also be in charge of automating tests, code formatting, and other DevOps practice

El sistema CAE: Cobra per estalviar energia, monetitza la teva eficiència energètica

El Col·legi d'Enginyers Graduats i Enginyers Tècnics Industrials de Barcelona en col·laboració amb SinCeO2 Consultoria Energética S.L. celebrarà el dijous 17 d'octubre a les 10.00 hores una jornada sobre el Sistema de Certificats d'Estalvi Energètic (CAE). El Reial decret 36/2023 va aprovar el sistema de CAE, una eina que impulsaran les actuacions d'estalvi i eficiència energètica al sector residencial, terciari i industrial. Aquesta eina permet monetitzar els estalvis energètics i crea un nou mercat on comprar i vendre certificats, permetent als qui inverteixen en eficiència energètica (renovació d'instal·lacions tèrmiques, canvi de processos, millora d'envoltants...) recuperar part dels costos desemborsats. En el transcurs de la jornada, gràcies a les experiències que compartiran els agents implicats: administració, subjectes delegats, estalviadors d'energia i verificadors, els assistents obtindran una visió global del sistema, les implicacions, els proced

Postdoctoral Researcher: Enhancing and exploiting the value of earth system services (R2) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Earth System Services Group (ESS) at the Earth Sciences Department conducts interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research to enhance the societal value of environmental information, climate prediction and air quality services. The group actively engages with society, decision-makers, and businesses to exchange knowledge and develop user-oriented services. The aim of the ESS is to enhance knowledge and technology integration and improve resilience, by accelerating adaptation to a rapidly changing environment. The ESS group’s Knowledge Integration Team is looking for a motivated researcher from any nationality to join our team and further our work on understanding the value of earth system services, and their co-evaluation, impact assessment and exploitation. Developing and applying qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods approaches, the successful candidate will contribute to and enhance our emerging knowledge, practices and products (services) that aim at supporting resilien

Oferta pública 30/09/2024

  Ajuntament de Reus Borsa de treball de places d'Enginyer tècnic Ajuntament de Sentmenat 1 plaça de Tècnic de serveis al territori (tècnic de Medi Natural) Ajuntament de Viladecans 2 places d'Enginyer tècnic Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l'Enginyeria (CIMNE) 1 plaça de Research engineer in computational mechanics Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Territori, Habitatge i Transició Ecològica 1 plaça d'Inspector tècnic als Serveis Territorials a Lleida Generalitat de Catalunya - Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya (SOC) 7 places de Tècnic de gestió al Servei d'Atenció a les Empreses Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) 1 plaça de Research Assistant - Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices Institut Català d'Investigació Química (ICIQ) 1 plaça de PhD 2024-20 JLL - ICIQ Fully-Funded PhD Programme 2024 - Third Call Institut Català d'Investigació Química (ICIQ) 1 plaça de PhD 2024-19 AS/CB - ICIQ Fully-Funded PhD Progr

Postdoctoral Researcher: Enhancing and exploiting the value of earth system services (R2) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Earth System Services Group (ESS) at the Earth Sciences Department conducts interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research to enhance the societal value of environmental information, climate prediction and air quality services. The group actively engages with society, decision-makers, and businesses to exchange knowledge and develop user-oriented services. The aim of the ESS is to enhance knowledge and technology integration and improve resilience, by accelerating adaptation to a rapidly changing environment. The ESS group’s Knowledge Integration Team is looking for a motivated researcher from any nationality to join our team and further our work on understanding the value of earth system services, and their co-evaluation, impact assessment and exploitation. Developing and applying qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods approaches, the successful candidate will contribute to and enhance our emerging knowledge, practices and products (services) that aim at supporting resilien

Contest: Calzavara Multifunctional Urban Structure

Calzavara and Desall invite you to participate in a new contest dedicated to the design of a telecommunications structure, which combines its primary function with elements of urban furniture and ambient intelligence services. Did you know? Calzavara has launched another contest! To learn more, visit this page. Company description Calzavara is an Italian company renowned globally for revolutionising the concept of telecommunications infrastructure. With a legacy spanning over 50 years, Calzavara has consistently led the industry by transforming traditional telecommunications structures into architectural masterpieces that seamlessly blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. From the outset, the company’s vision has been to integrate telecommunications structures harmoniously into urban landscapes, thereby revolutionising the concept of connectivity. Today, Calzavara stands at the forefront of innovation, spearheading the development of multifunctional structures designed to accommodat

Researcher - AI4S - LLMs for Code Parallelization (R3) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Predictable Parallel Computing group and the High Performance Artificial Intelligence research group (expert in AI) are pushing a collaboration between both, focused on the use of AI models for code generation, and particularly, code parallelization. This position is intended to work at the intersection of both fields, catching up with the state-of-the-art on code generative models, and extending these towards parallelization and optimization tasksmanagement. The funding for these actions/fellowships and contracts comes from the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility - Next Generation, within the framework of the General Invitation by the public business entity to participate in the talent attraction and retention programs within Investment 4 of Component 19 of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan. For more information, please check: Key Duties  Contribute to the review of the state-of-the-

Constru - Hack

La construcció és un sector amb moltes necessitats d’innovació, i per tant amb moltes oportunitats. Amb la digitalització, la industrialització i la sostenibilitat al centre dels canvis. Per a la ConstruHack, empreses i institucions lligades al sector de la construcció han preparat uns reptes molt interessants, pels que treballaràs una solució, amb l'acompanyament de persones mentores especialistes en el sector, la tecnologia i els models de negoci. ConstruHack es celebrarà del 16 al 19 d’octubre, en el marc de la Fira/Congrés VERTEX. Ets arquitecte tècnic o arquitecta tècnica? Ets estudiant del grau en Arquitectura Tècnica i Edificació o d'alguns dels màsters de l’àmbit de l'edificació? Ets una persona interessada en la innovació? Ets un o una professional del sector de la construcció? Ets desenvolupador o desenvolupadora de hardware/software? Tens una solució tecnològica que podria aplicar-se a aquest sector? Tens un perfil lligat al disseny, el màrqueting, la comunicació

The Business Booster

The Business Booster és l'esdeveniment internacional de networking anual de dos dies organitzat per EIT InnoEnergy, que reuneix més de 150 tecnologies d'energia sostenible sota un mateix sostre. Cada any, l'esdeveniment es desplaça entre diferents ciutats europees, congregant líders de la indústria, inversors, responsables polítics i emprenedors. Els propers 16 i 17 d'octubre, The Business Booster il·luminarà la vibrant ciutat de Barcelona. En aquest escenari, el nostre ecosistema acollirà emprenedors, innovadors i líders de la indústria de tot el món, que es reuniran per explorar les últimes tendències en innovació energètica sostenible. Descobreixi com aquesta ciutat es prepara per amplificar l'impacte de The Business Booster i el seu paper en el panorama energètic global, aquí Al llarg dels anys, The Business Booster s'ha consolidat com l'esdeveniment de referència en innovació energètica sostenible. Aquí trobaràs més de 150 innovacions crucials per assol

Operations Assistant per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Barcelona Supercomputing Center is looking for a candidate to support and give direct attention to the Operations Director. Key Duties Management of the Operations Director's mail, and coordination of corresponding actions Management of Operations Director’s schedule Management and coordination of the assigned Director’s travels and the heads of the group of the Operations department. Subsequent preparation of the liquidations of payments with the Finance Department Document drafting and reports of all types, some of them with a high level of confidentiality content Assistance and preparation of press communication and dissemination activities where the Director is involved Support to the Director's Office, including attention to visitors and guests of the Director's office Management of office supplies for the Operations Department Prepare and organize institutional meetings in BSC, including supporting ceremonial performances in general Support the international and natio

PhD fellowship (PREP 2023): Mitigating environmental contamination via mathematics per el CRM

The CRM  ( is offering a 4 years predoctoral grant as part of the "National Programme for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability in R+D+i" (FPI fellowships). These fellowships are awarded to Plan Estatal project (FPI) from the 2023 call: Mitigating environmental contamination via mathematics The recruitment of fellows consists in an open and international student selection process according to the selection criteria indicated below:   Criteria selection for FPI fellowships 2023   The criteria for evaluation will be:   Criterion 1. Academic and/or scientific-technical trajectory of the candidate (up to 50 points)   Sub criterion 1 a) Scientific-technical contributions (up to 45 points). The academic record and other curricular merits of the candidate will be assessed, as well as their suitability for the tasks to be carried out, based on their training and professional experience. Sub criterion 1.b): Mobility and internationalization (up to 5 points). The

Research Engineer - Python software engineer for atmospheric composition tools (RE1-RE2) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Within the Earth Sciences Department of Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), led by Prof Francisco Doblas-Reyes, the Computational Earth Sciences group is looking for a software engineer to be part of the Models and Workflows Team. The successful candidate will support the development and optimization of the in-house emission model for supporting air quality modeling research carried out within the Atmospheric Composition group. These activities are part of a large initiative in the framework of the European Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU. Successful candidates will benefit from expert training and BSC-CNS staff benefits: international multidisciplinary scientific environment and advanced applied research training. We encourage applications from highly motivated candidates with demonstrated experience in climate science and interest in applied research projects within the context of climate services. Key Duties Contribute

EFINTEC, la fira de referència del sector de la instal·lació i l'energia

Reuneix 8.000 professionals, majoritàriament instal·ladors, però també arquitectes, enginyers o perfils tècnics, i s’hi troben 180 expositors, entre fabricants, distribuïdors i empreses afins al sector. A més, compta amb el suport de les principals institucions i associacions professionals. Llista d'expositors 2023 Més informació Més posts d' Esdeveniments

Undergraduate Student - STAR-HUAWEI (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The System Tools and Advanced Runtimes (STAR) group is a computer system group that explores research crossing multiple layers of the system software stack, from OS, runtimes and low-level APIs to programming models, tools, and applications. We aim to improve the system software stack to support increasingly complex workloads such as traditional HPC, AI and Data Analytics on massively parallel HPC and Cloud platforms. The STAR group offers a part-time position (20 hours/week) to work on the development of a Vulkan Task-Aware library. We are looking for a student interested in game engines and advanced parallelization techniques. The successful candidate will participate in industrial and European research projects, with the possibility of disseminating the work done through conferences or journal publications. We seek a motivated and talented student interested in working on Vulkan, game engines and runtime systems. Key Duties Understand and extend the Vulkan graphic API Develope unit


The CRM ( is offering a 4 years PhD grant starting from January-February 2025. This position is funded by a FPI Scholarship ("National Programme for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability in R+D+i") under the project PID2023-150984NB-I00 "Uncertainty principles, discretization, and related topics". Topics The successful candidate will work on his/her PhD thesis in the Center (Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, CRM) in Barcelona under the supervision of Professor Sergey Tikhonov. The main topics include Fourier analysis and Approximation theory, with the special attention on  Uncertainty principle relations, Fourier inequalities, Extremal problems, Signal reconstruction Deadline for submission of applications: 15th October 2024 Més informació Més posts de Recerca

Synthetic data for DL - AI4S (R2) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

High-Performance Artificial Intelligence (HPAI) is an international and diverse research group that is at the forefront of innovation. HPAI conducts fundamental research in the field of AI and dedicates efforts to exploring and developing advanced generative models for both single-mode and multi-mode data in medical and engineering applications. We aim to train and implement foundational and application models for data generation, augmentation, imputation, forecasting, cross-domain generation, and transfer learning/fine-tuning tasks. The funding for these actions/fellowships and contracts comes from the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility - Next Generation, within the framework of the General Invitation by the public business entity to participate in the talent attraction and retention programs within Investment 4 of Component 19 of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan. For more information, please check:

Research engineer in computational mechanics per el CIMNE

Functions to be developed: Develop, implement and validate nonlinear constitutive models in Kratos Multiphysics for monotonic and cyclic loading applicable to composite and metallic materials. Document the work done in periodic reports and presentations. Present the work done in conferences, workshops or training events. The deadline for registration to the offer ends on October 4th, 2024 at 12 noon Més informació Més posts de Recerca

PhD on Programming model for edge to cloud through swarm methodologies - AI4S (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Sciences (CS) department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims to carry out research and development to influence the way computing machines are built, programmed and used. The Workflows and Distributed Computing group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims to carry out research on programming models for distributed computing. More specifically, this group is working in the COLMENA project which contributes to the definition of next-generation computing and data technologies by proposing a framework to ease the programming, deployment and maintenance of hyper-distributed applications on the device-edge-cloud Continuum.The group will have a significant effort devoted to the definition of the COLMENA programming model and its software platform. For this research, the group is looking for a PhD student to do research on AI topics related to the design and implementation of the COLMENA programming model and software platform. In particular, topics of interest can be

Baròmetre de Competències i Ocupacions de Catalunya

El Baròmetre de Competències i Ocupacions de Catalunya és una eina innovadora dissenyada per abordar un dels reptes més significatius que enfronta el teixit empresarial català: el desajust entre les competències demandades pel sistema productiu i el nivell de qualificació de la població activa Objectiu principal L'objectiu principal d'aquest baròmetre és proporcionar una visió clara i actualitzada de les necessitats del mercat laboral català, facilitant així la presa de decisions tant per part de les empreses com dels professionals i institucions educatives. Funcionalitats clau Anàlisi de tendències: El baròmetre ofereix una anàlisi detallada de les tendències en competències i ocupacions, permetent als usuaris anticipar-se als canvis en el mercat laboral. Mapeig de competències: Proporciona un mapeig exhaustiu de les competències més demandades en diferents sectors i indústries a Catalunya. Informació sectorial: Ofereix dades específiques per sectors, permetent una comprensió