Contest: Calzavara Multifunctional Urban Structure

Calzavara and Desall invite you to participate in a new contest dedicated to the design of a telecommunications structure, which combines its primary function with elements of urban furniture and ambient intelligence services.

Did you know? Calzavara has launched another contest! To learn more, visit this page.

Company description

Calzavara is an Italian company renowned globally for revolutionising the concept of telecommunications infrastructure. With a legacy spanning over 50 years, Calzavara has consistently led the industry by transforming traditional telecommunications structures into architectural masterpieces that seamlessly blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. From the outset, the company’s vision has been to integrate telecommunications structures harmoniously into urban landscapes, thereby revolutionising the concept of connectivity. Today, Calzavara stands at the forefront of innovation, spearheading the development of multifunctional structures designed to accommodate not only antennas but also a comprehensive array of enabling technologies for the Smart City. This commitment to excellence, coupled with Italian design elegance and unwavering engineering innovation, forms the cornerstone of Calzavara’s success as it continues to shape the future of telecommunications infrastructure worldwide.

Calzavara is looking for fresh concepts and designs for multifunctional urban furniture structures. These structures will house mobile phone antennas and other radio devices while also functioning as attractive and/or functional aspects.

The “macro” mobile cell phone antennas will always be at the top, while the radio devices will typically be put in an accessible area near the base (lower section).

Given the structure’s urban destination, the remaining parts can be designed to host ambient intelligence services such as cameras, advertising or informational LED screens, advertising decorative elements (e.g., banners), lighting, electric charging for cars or scooters, and urban furniture elements such as benches, bicycle racks, and so on.

ends: 17 Oct 24

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