Research engineer - CI/Testing and Containerization expert (RE2) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computational Earth Sciences (CES) group develops and maintains a range of modeling and supporting software, much of which is deployed in production for operational runs. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in enhancing the robustness of these software systems and the efficiency of their development. Specifically, the candidate will be responsible for maintaining and improving the department's Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines, ensuring that the software remains robust and adaptable to evolving requirements. This role also involves leading the development and integration of a testing suite framework for workflow software, making it an integral part of the Autosubmit ecosystem. Additionally, the candidate will contribute to the portability of workflows and tools through containerization, establishing best practices for the department in this sense. Additionally, this position will also be in charge of automating tests, code formatting, and other DevOps practices.

Key Duties

  • Enhance existing Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines and design and implement new ones to optimize the development and deployment processes for departmental software projects.
  • Support the inclusion of unit tests across various software projects within the department.
  • Contribute to the portability of workflows and tools through the adoption of container-based solutions, including creating and implementing guidelines for software containerization.
  • Automate tests, code formatting, and other essential DevOps practices to improve software quality and development efficiency.
  • Lead the maintenance and improvement of the testing suite framework for workflow software integration tests.
  • Contribute to the integration of the testing suite framework within the Autosubmit ecosystem to ensure robust and reliable software releases.

Data de tancament : Dimecres, 16 Octubre, 2024

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