Design and build a safe, portable, robust, autonomy-enabled Emergency Response Flyer.

GoAERO is offering $2+ Million in prizes for the best thinkers, creators and inventors to build an Emergency Response Flyer and unlock a new era of disaster and rescue response.

By unleashing the power of autonomy, speed, and precision, GoAERO is looking for the brightest, boldest and bravest to change the way we rescue and respond to disaster.

Each Emergency Response Flyer is designed to hold a single person (with manikin stand-ins for human occupants), but what it looks like or how it works is up to you. We welcome revolutionary design -- functioning safely in both crowded cities and rural areas. The flyer should be roadable and trailerable; ready to be deployed quickly on-site while being productive enough to keep working day-in and day-out, reliably and efficiently. It should be versatile; flying in all theaters and multiple environments with the precision and agility to react and adapt to the unpredictable.

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