This talk is to introduce to the attentive spectator of CIMNE the evaluation process carried out in the Horizon Europe program in the proposals for research innovation action (RIA) and innovation action (IA) modalities. The agenda covers a presentation of the evaluation criteria and scoring rules that result in an evaluation summary report (ESR) to be sent to the applicant. The ensuing revision is then based on a representative sampling of unsuccessful ESRs series – all being in-house participation in the 2022-23 calls. This reconsideration has an educational and awareness-raising character since it aims at detecting and also emphasizing, common patterns, and therefore, areas of potential improvement onwards. The audience will learn and get to know how, from behind the scenes, this competitive basis call specifically targets collaborations towards a technology readiness level explorations in a product, process, service, or solution.
DEng Lidia Natalia Trusilewicz is a science contributor to different research environments, either intersectionally or interdisciplinarily. As a postdoctoral researcher in construction materials and industrial manufacturing or environmental and chemical engineering areas of expertise, she presents international experience and networking.
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