The Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB) was created in 2003 with the mission to support bioinformatics activities across the country. Since then, it has evolved to keep up with emerging needs - especially in the field of creating, maintaining and extending technological infrastructures that facilitate research activities in the broad domain of Life Sciences. Since 2017, the INB is the Spanish Node of ELIXIR (ELIXIR-ES), the pan-European Research Infrastructure for the management of research data and other digital assets in Life Sciences across 22 national members and 3 observers (
Both the INB Technical Coordination Hub and the INB Computational Node, part of the Life Sciences Department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), participate and lead different local, national and international - mainly European - projects relate to research data and software management as well as to the set-up of virtual research environments where data and software can be utilised.
Existing and upcoming regulations, like the European Health Data Space, Data Governance Act or Artifficial Intelligence Act, will accelerate existing technological developments to facilitate the analysis of sensitive data (e.g. patient-level data, IPR-protected data, etc…) in dedicated environments for that end. In this context, the INB Computational Node has developed a virtual research environment (openVRE) that is being utilised in various projects at local, national and European projects. The openVRE offers a controlled, sandboxed environment where incoming and outgoing data is pre-configured as well as the software, either individual tools or complete analytical pipelines, and the management of users. This major development is completed by WfExS ( which is a high-level workflow orchestrator designed to facilitate the analysis of sensitive data. WfExS implements community-driven standards to facilitate the technical interoperability with other existing solutions in the community.
Key Duties
- Landscape the current developments around secure processing environments across domain in Europe taking into account existing and upcoming regulations
- Analyze the current Virtual Research Environment features to extend and develop new ones, if necessary, to support trustable data analytics in the context of major institutional, local, national and european projects and initiatives using sensitive, non disclosable data.
- Evaluate current trusted communication channels among relevant data repositories and archive and design, developing whenever necessary, strategies for data sharing.
- Design and implement the necessary mechanisms to ensure the long-term sustainability of software using community-led good practices, including continuous integration and deployment mechanisms.
Data de tancament: Dimarts, 15 Octubre, 2024
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