Premis DonaTIC 2023

La novena convocatòria dels Premis DonaTIC estan impulsats per la Secretaria de Polítiques Digitals amb l’objectiu de reconèixer i donar visibilitat al paper fonamental de les dones en el món professional, empresarial i acadèmic de les tecnologies digitals i les disciplines CTEHM . També volen oferir referents femenins contemporanis en aquests àmbits a infants i joves.

Fins al 3 de juliol es poden presentar les candidatures per optar a algun dels Premis DonaTIC 2023, que, com en les últimes edicions, es divideixen en vuit categories i dues subcategories, agrupades en tres àmbits:

  • Professional
  • Acadèmic i de revelació
  • Divulgació i iniciatives referents

Les categories i subcategories són excloents -cada candidatura pot ser-ho només d’una categoria- i les candidatures poden ser proposades per la mateixa candidata o bé per qualsevol altra persona o institució.

Termini: 03/07/2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Premis


Each year EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, offers more than 100 young people the opportunity to learn from their experts and to work in the many EUROCONTROL fields of expertise: operational, business, human resources, communications, etc.

EUROCONTROL is an intergovernmental organisation with 44 Member States and works to achieve safe and seamless air traffic management across Europe.

EUROCONTROL headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium and the organisation has offices in Maastricht, Netherlands; Brétigny, France and in Luxembourg.


Més entrades de Beques

Vulkan SC - Bachelor's Student (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Architecture and Operating System group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research on programming models for critical embedded systems in charge of controlling fundamental parts of cars, airplanes and satellites. Our work is mainly done in the context of bilateral projects with several processor companies as well as several European-funded projects. For a complete list of publications of the group in the last years, please visit:

The objective of this position is to develop a method that will allow programming safety critical GPUs in a high level programming model, which will be qualifiable according to safety standards and will rely on Vulkan Safety Critical.

The work involves working with an existing source to source compiler and experimenting with avionics grade GPUs and APIs. Moreover, it includes the evaluation of the capabilities of these methods, both in terms of programmability as well as in terms of performance. The work will be performed within the context of collaborations with industrial partners from safety critical industries and in particular the aerospace domain.

The student is expected to enroll or have already been enrolled in a Bachelor’s program. The technical work performed during the candidate’s placement will contribute to the student’s Bachelor’s Thesis. Upon successful completion of the Bachelor’s degree, the student may be offered the possibility to continue for a Master’s degree, leading to PhD studies.

Key Duties

  • Create a Vulkan SC backend on an existing source to source compiler for safety critical systems for a high level language
  • Evaluate the programmability and performance of the implemented backend on an avionics grade GPU
  • Adapt aerospace relevant software for the demonstration of the developed backend

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informció

Més entrades de Beques

Master student - Understanding tropical basins interactions in coupled climate simulations (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

We are offering a research internship to gain insights on the Tropical Basins Interactions (TBI) at inter-annual timescales. The candidate will investigate the TBI as simulated by the EC-Earth3-CC model (the in-house Earth system model of BSC), with a particular focus on the interplay between the Pacific and Atlantic variability.

Key Duties

Evaluate the performances of the model in simulating the observed tropical modes of variability (including ENSO, Atlantic Niño,...).

Quantify the respective roles played by the different tropical oceans variations on the global climate variability over the period 1950-2022, by analyzing tropical pacemaker simulations performed with EC-Earth3-CC.

Produce a final report documenting the main scientific results

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

Master student - Influence of the North Atlantic on the European climate and sensitivity to ocean eddies (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

We are offering a research internship to investigate the role that the North Atlantic Ocean plays in the climate of the neighboring continents, with a specific focus on determining whether resolving the eddy-scale features can change the atmospheric teleconnection mechanisms and through them the continental impacts. This will be done through the analysis of different idealized experiments in which an atmospheric model is forced with ocean boundary conditions that correspond to different global warming levels, and have different levels of spatial detail.

Key Duties

  • Characterising the response of the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation to climate change and its continental impacts by comparing two different experiments, one forced with climatological present-day SST conditions (1995-2014) and another forced with climatological future SST conditions (2031-2050), both derived from a global coupled simulation performed with a high resolution model that resolves the ocean mesoscale.
  • Disentangling the specific role of the eddies in driving the response by investigating two additional experiments, in which the climatological SST fields are previously smoothed over the Gulf Stream region to remove the eddy- scale features.
  • Produce a final report documenting the main scientific results

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

Master Student - Computational Biology Group (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computational Biology group, led by ICREA professor Alfonso Valencia, is looking for a Master's student to work on a protein coevolution project, and more specifically, on the identification of species-specific protein interactions in bacteria using phylogenetics and coevolution. The project will involve the analysis and interpretation of differences in diverse bacteria protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks., to detect functional differences in specific metabolic pathways for an ultimately better understanding of different species of bacteria and their role in the ecosystem.

The successful candidate will join a dynamic research group within the Life Sciences department, which integrates independent senior scientists that work on various aspects of computational biology, ranging from bioinformatics for genomics and proteomics to computational biochemistry and text mining. The Researcher will work in a highly sophisticated HPC environment, have access to systems and computational infrastructures, and establish collaborations with experts in different areas.

Key Duties
  • Test and develop protocols to fine-tune and apply pLMs for studying relevant biological problems involving proteins.
  • Perform sequence and structural-based analyses of proteins.
  • Collaborate in the preparation and presentation of research projects.
  • Participate in internal group meetings and other scientific discussions.
Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més entrades de Beques

Ajuts a plans d’innovació i sostenibilitat en l’àmbit de la indústria manufacturera

El Ministeri d’Indústria, Comerç i Turisme ha publica l’Ordre que efectua la convocatòria de concessió d’ajuts a plans d’innovació i sostenibilitat en l’àmbit de la indústria manufacturera en el marc del Component 12 “Política Industrial Espanya 2030” del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançat amb fons europeus Next Generation. Aquesta convocatòria s’empara en les bases reguladores de l’Ordre ICT/789/2021, de 16 de juliol.  

Aquests ajuts tenen com a objecte l’execució de plans d’innovació i de sostenibilitat en l’àmbit de la indústria manufacturera.  

La convocatòria es convoca en règim de concurrència competitiva. 

Línies d’actuació: 

Seran susceptibles d’ajuts els plans d’innovació i de sostenibilitat, estructurats en un o diversos projectes associats a alguna de les següents línies d’actuació: 

  • Línia de Recerca, Desenvolupament i innovació: Projectes de recerca industrial, desenvolupament experimental i projectes d’innovació en matèria d’organització i processos 
  • Línia d’Innovació en Sostenibilitat i Eficiència Energètica: Inversions de caràcter innovador destinades a la protecció del medi ambient

Els projectes hauran d’estar destinats a aplicar-se en la cadena de valor de la indústria manufacturera i hauran d’adaptar-se, almenys, a una de les següents prioritats temàtiques: 

  • Economia circular i ecoinnovació aplicades en la millora de les cadenes de valor 
  • Descarbonització, eficiència energètica, noves fonts d’energia renovables i reducció d’emissions contaminants 
  • Materials i productes avançats 
  • Innovació en processos de qualitat i seguretat 
  • Innovacions dels processos productius derivats de la prioritat temàtica 3 (materials i productes avançats). 


Podran ser-ne beneficiaris les societats que no formin part del sector públic i que hagin desenvolupat una activitat industrial durant un període de com a mínim tres anys comptats fins a la data de finalització del termini de sol·licituds.  

Termini per sol·licitar: 28 de juny de 2023.

Més informació

Més entrades de Concursos

Master Student - Computational Biology Group (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computational Biology group, led by ICREA professor Alfonso Valencia, is looking for a Master's student to work on a protein coevolution project, and more specifically, on the identification of species-specific protein interactions in bacteria using phylogenetics and coevolution. The project will involve the analysis and interpretation of differences in diverse bacteria protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks., to detect functional differences in specific metabolic pathways for an ultimate better understanding of different species of bacteria and their role in the ecosystem.

The successful candidate will join a dynamic research group within the Life Sciences department, which integrates independent senior scientists that work on various aspects of computational biology, ranging from bioinformatics for genomics and proteomics to computational biochemistry and text mining. The Researcher will work in a highly sophisticated HPC environment, have access to systems and computational infrastructures, and establish collaborations with experts in different areas.

Key Duties

  • Participate in internal group meetings and other scientific discussions.

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

Santander Scholarships | Negotiation Programme - LSE

Becas Santander / Programa de Negociación – LSE es un programa de aprendizaje y desarrollo online diseñado para desbloquear el potencial e impulsar su carrera profesional. Adquirirá la formación, herramientas y habilidades necesarias para ser un negociador eficaz.

Los participantes se beneficiarán de sesiones en directo altamente interactivas, contenido inmersivo diseñado por la célebre facultad LSE y acceso a una red diversa de futuros líderes de todo el mundo. Los participantes obtendrán un certificado de competencias de la London School of Economics and Political Science.

El programa online de 7 semanas comenzará el miércoles 6 de septiembre de 2023 y finalizará el martes 24 de octubre de 2023.

Duración de la beca: 6 semanas + 1 semana de orientación.

Compromiso de tiempo semanal: 7-10 horas semanales.

¿Qué incluye la beca? Gastos de matrícula, curso. Sin costes para los participantes.

Termini per aplicar: 28/06/23

23:00 (GMT+02:00)

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

Master Student - Machine Learning for Biomedical Research (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Machine Learning for Biomedical Research Unit, led by Dr Davide Cirillo, is looking for a master's student to work on machine learning for the identification of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in hepatoblastoma. The project will be framed in the context of the European project “iPC - individualizedPaediatricCure” (GA n. 826121) in collaboration with Instituto de Investigación Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP). The successful candidate will complete a master’s thesis addressing the following topics: paediatric oncology, genetics and pathophysiology of hepatoblastoma, analysis and interpretation of clinical and omics data, and machine learning approaches for prediction and classification in rare disease scenarios.

The successful candidate will join a dynamic research group within the Life Sciences department, which integrates independent senior scientists that work on various aspects of computational biology, ranging from bioinformatics for genomics and proteomics to computational biochemistry and text mining. The Researcher will work in a highly sophisticated HPC environment, will have access to systems and computational infrastructures, and will establish collaborations with experts in different areas.

Key Duties

  • Complete a master’s thesis in bioinformatics.
  • Participate in internal group meetings and other scientific discussions.

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

Undergraduate Student - NLP for Biomedical Information Analysis (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The NLP for Biomedical Information Analysis Unit of the BSC-CNS is funded through the Plan de Impulso de las Tecnologías del Lenguaje de la Agenda Digital by the Secretary of State of Telecommunications and the Information. It is the first publicly funded text mining unit in Spain. It aims to promote the development of natural language processing and machine translation resources for Spanish and other co-official languages in biomedicine.

The candidate will work within an international project integrated into a team of researchers working on topics related to deep learning approaches applied to information extraction (NER), entity linking and language modelling on biomedical documents. The candidate will have the opportunity to work on developing cross-lingual NLP systems and applying cutting-edge technologies in the area of NLP and language modelling applied to the biomedical field. Opportunity access and explore HPC applied to NLP.

Key Duties

  • Participate in internal group meetings and other scientific discussions.
  • Preparation and presentation of scientific articles.
  • Collaborate in the preparation and presentation of scientific projects.
  • Collaborate with the members of the group in the generation and evaluation of resources

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

Formal Methods for GPUs – Bachelor’s Student (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Architecture and Operating System group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research on programming models for critical embedded systems in charge of controlling fundamental parts of cars, airplanes and satellites. Our work is mainly done in the context of bilateral projects with several processor companies as well as several European-funded projects. For a complete list of publications of the group in the last years, please visit:

The objective of this position is to develop a method that will allow finding software problems in GPU software as well as proving the correctness of the GPU software and that it adheres to its specification through the use of formal methods.

The work involves experimenting with an existing formal technology for CPUs and extend it for use in a GPU environment. Moreover, it includes the evaluation of the capabilities of these methods, such as what types of errors are possible or impossible to be find with them. For the experimental assessment space relevant software will be ported to the formal method framework selected for the project. The work will be performed within the context of the Formal Methods for GPUs project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), which is coordinated by BSC.

The student is expected to enroll or have already been enrolled in a Bachelor’s program. The technical work performed during the candidate’s placement will contribute to the student’s Bachelor’s Thesis. Upon successful completion of the Bachelor’s degree, the student may be offered the possibility to continue for a Master’s degree, leading to PhD studies.

Key Duties

Evaluate existing formal methods frameworks for CPUs for safety-critical systems use

Evaluate experimental formal methods frameworks for GPUs for safety-critical systems use

Adapt space relevant software for the demonstration of the capabilities of these methods

Develop additional methods which can enhance the capabilities for these methods or make them more appropriate for GPUs

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

Software randomisation compiler – Bachelor’s Student (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Architecture and Operating System group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research on programming models for critical embedded systems in charge of controlling fundamental parts of cars, airplanes and satellites. Our work is mainly done in the context of bilateral projects with several processor companies as well as several European-funded projects. For a complete list of publications of the group in the last years, please visit:

The objective of this position is to develop an existing software randomization method in a compiler framework, for the computation of worst case execution time in safety critical systems, using the Measurement Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA). For the experimental assessment, space relevant software will be used to validate the correctness of the implementation on a space relevant platform. The work will be performed within the context of the “Open Source Software Randomisation for safe and secure space systems” project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), which is coordinated by BSC.

The student is expected to enroll or have already been enrolled in a Bachelor’s program. The technical work performed during the candidate’s placement will contribute to the student’s Bachelor’s Thesis. Upon successful completion of the Bachelor’s degree, the student may be offered the possibility to continue for a Master’s degree, leading to PhD studies.

Key Duties

  • Implement an existing software randomization method in a compiler infrastructure
  • Evaluate the implementation using space relevant software on a space relevant processor

Document the application of software randomization in space applications, as well as the computation of pWCET using MBPTA

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

PhD Student - DL-techniques applied to safety critical systems (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Applications are invited for PhDs to conduct investigations on the software timing analysis solutions for the SuPerCom Project. This includes software timing in itself, understanding of contention in the access to hardware shared resources, scheduling approaches for multicore processors, and tracing/debug mechanisms.

SuPerCom is a 5-year project funded by the European Union that started in June 2018 and that involves around 10 researchers. The main objective is to propose a holistic multidisciplinary approach that addresses the challenge of providing high and sustainable performance with future embedded computers comprising high-performance hardware with unprecedented complexity levels.

This project involves research in hardware designs to improve performance predictability and machine learning techniques for embedded systems like those in automotive or space domains. Francisco J. Cazorla is the principal investigator (PI) of the project. For a complete list of publications of the PI, please visit:

Key Duties

Contribute to the research and application of AI techniques to modeling the uncertainty in embedded critical systems

Develop ensemble AI techniques to provide increased-robustness in safety critical systems specially focused on maximizing the useful diversity of the ensemble components.

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

PhD Student - Enabling Data-Analytics runtimes in the Cloud (R1)per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The data-centric computing group from the computer science department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center is searching for 1 PreDoc for research on data analytics and machine learning towards novel architectures (RISC-V), willing to work on adapting, porting and evaluating Data Analytics runtimes in an EU project, for the course 2023-2025. The main objective is to participate in European research projects focused on porting Big Data infrastructures towards novel RISC-V technologies for data analysis, machine learning, and deep learning use cases and goals. For this, we're looking for a Ph.D. Student to join the DCC group and develop a research line in data analytics runtime and optimizations for new architectures. The mentioned tasks involve academic efforts such as experimenting and deploying HPDA platforms, AI/ML platforms, and compilers for novel platforms, also communicate research results (writing scientific papers, assisting at scientific conferences, ...).

Key Duties

  • Contribution to the development and porting of Big Data and Machine Learning frameworks.
  • Functional design and execution of benchmarking related to HPDA architectures and Cloud and Serverless.
  • Design of statistical and ML experiments toward multi-domain cases with large-volume data.
  • Contribute to collaborations with different international research partners.
  • Give mutual support to other researchers in the project.

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

La cultura digital pot ser la pròxima marca Barcelona?

Aquesta activitat forma part del programa Oasi, en el marc de l’exposició 'Digital Impact'.

Barcelona i, per extensió, Catalunya, té un ecosistema fèrtil, variat i ric d’agents que treballen en el camp de la cultura digital.

Esdeveniments com l’exposició 'Digital Impact' o els 30 anys del Sónar fan palès del moment de rellevància i maduresa del sector de les arts i cultura digital alhora que plantegen un repte a la ciutat i al país: som capaços d’assolir un lideratge internacional en aquest àmbit?, quines mancances o dificultats afronta aquest ecosistema i com podem revertir-les per capitalitzar aquest potencial?


  • Marisol López, Directora General d’Innovació i Cultura Digital (Departament de Cultura)
  • Miquel Martí, CEO de Tech Barcelona
  • Jordi Sellas, Director de l’IDEAL

Modera: Laura Serra, periodista de l’ARA

Quan: 22.06.2023 18.30 h

Més informació

Més entrades d'Esdeveniments

PhD Student - DL-techniques applied to safety critical systems (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Applications are invited for PhDs to conduct investigations on the software timing analysis solutions for the SuPerCom Project. This includes software timing in itself, understanding of contention in the access to hardware shared resources, scheduling approaches for multicore processors, and tracing/debug mechanisms.

SuPerCom is a 5-year project funded by the European Union that started in June 2018 and that involves around 10 researchers. The main objective is to propose a holistic multidisciplinary approach that addresses the challenge of providing high and sustainable performance with future embedded computers comprising high-performance hardware with unprecedented complexity levels.

This project involves research in hardware designs to improve performance predictability and machine learning techniques for embedded systems like those in automotive or space domains. Francisco J. Cazorla is the principal investigator (PI) of the project. For a complete list of publications of the PI, please visit:

Key Duties

  • Contribute to the research and application of AI techniques to modeling the uncertainty in embedded critical systems
  • Develop ensemble AI techniques to provide increased-robustness in safety critical systems specially focused on maximizing the useful diversity of the ensemble components.

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

CRAASH Barcelona

The application process for CRAASH Barcelona is now open.

Join our community of healthcare innovators and entrepreneurs!

This is a unique opportunity for projects and startups within the Healthtech field to showcase their groundbreaking solutions. Whether you work in a research center, research institute  or university, or are an independent innovator, we'll help you bring your solution from the bench to the market. Fill out the registration form and submit your application today. 

CRAASH Barcelona is organized by Biocat in partnership with CIMIT, the world's most experienced health accelerator.

Termini per aplicar: 22/06/2023

Més informació

Més entrades d'Emprenedoria

See Startup Grind BCN's 9th Anniversary Event at Startup Grind Barcelona

We're excited to invite you to the celebration event of the Startup Grind Barcelona's 9th anniversary, which will be around Artificial Intelligence. We'll host two panel discussions with experienced business leaders such as Ana Maiques (Neuroeletrics), Marc Asens (Happy Scribe), Ángel Esteban (Restb.Ai), Victoria Gago (European Blockchain Convention), and Jordi Miró (The Hotels Network). This event will take place at Enel Innovation Hub Europe - Espai Endesa.  

Startup Grind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs. Our mission is to help every entrepreneur in the world. We do so by hosting a monthly recurring event to inspire, educate, and connect entrepreneurs. The Barcelona chapter was granted the "Best Chapter of the Year" award in 2016, with the average assistance of +130 attendees per event, having held over 100 editions since April 2014 and helping local entrepreneurs to take their projects to the next level.

The event will go as follows:

1. Welcoming words by Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit (Director @ Startup Grind BCN).

2. Panel discussion #1 moderated by our Team member Nasia Kudaibergen.

3. Panel discussion #2 moderated by our Chapter Director Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit.

4. Networking session in which attendees talk to each other freely over beers and delicious catering.

The ticket includes entrance to the event, food and beverages, and the networking session.

Quan: dimecres, 21 de juny de 2023, 18:30–21:30 CEST

Més informació

Més entrades d'Emprenedoria

Sessió en línia: Supera l'entrevista de treball personal i en línia

Que aprendràs en aquest taller

Qualsevol procés de selecció culmina amb una entrevista de treball on hauràs de demostrar el teu potencial, les teves motivacions i el teu bagatge acadèmic i professional.

  • Com presentar el teu perfil professional i competencial
  • Com informar sobre les teves expectatives laborals i econòmiques.
  • Quins són els temes fonamentals que has de saber de l'empresa/oferta abans de tancar l'entrevista.

Inscriu-te al taller (Registra't al nou aplicatiu UPCAlumniMés per inscriure't al taller.)

Quan: Dimecres 21 de juny, de 16:00 - 18:00h

Més entrades d'UPC Alumni

European Medicines Agency Traineeships

The European Medicines Agency organises traineeships for university graduates in its headquarters in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 

The programme aims to give trainees an understanding of the Agency and its role within the activities of the European Union. It also enables them to acquire practical knowledge in one of the EMA's Units and to obtain professional experience in the course of their work.

The training period lasts for ten months. 

There is one annual traineeship intake starting on 1 October each year and ending on 31 July.


Més entrades de Beques

Sessió en línia: Posiciona't amb Linkedin i dinamitza el teu Networking

T'oferim tot un ventall de consells i recomanacions per guiar la recerca de feina, desenvolupant les competències específiques que hi estan relacionades. 

Integra LinkedIn en la teva estratègia digital per gestionar la teva carrera professional.

Que aprendràs en aquest taller

LinkedIn és la xarxa líder de networking professional. Possiblement, tens el teu perfil activat en aquesta xarxa, però cal que el facis servir per incrementar les teves oportunitats professionals. Coneix les possibilitats que t'ofereix LinkedIn, incrementa els teus contactes professionals i comparteix la teva marca personal.

  • Com millorar el teu perfil.
  • Com guanyar contactes professionals per a millorar la teva xarxa.
  • Com activar la teva estratègia digital en la recerca de feina.

Inscriu-te al taller

Registra't al nou aplicatiu UPCAlumniMés per inscriure't al taller.

Més entrades d'UPC Alumni

Undergraduate Engineering Summer Internship (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Applications are invited for student positions in High Performance Computing (HPC) architectures at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS). We are offering an undergrad student position in the context of multiple industry-funded projects to perform auxiliary tasks in the Electronics Laborarory.

Key Duties

  • Electronics laboratory duties
  • Auxiliary tasks in chips bringup

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 16 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

Computer Architecture Undergraduate Student (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Applications are invited for an undergraduate student in High Performance Computing (HPC) architectures at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). BSC intends to pave the way to the future low-power European processor for Exascale in the context of multiple architecture initiatives (EPI, Lenovo, Intel, etc.).

Key Duties

Define a low-power System-on-Chip architecture targeting Exascale.

Benchmark RISC-V-based HPC processors with relevant applications from the HPC domain as well as emerging applications such as precision medicine.

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 16 Juny, 2023

Més informació

Més entrades de Beques

PhD Student - Machine Learning applications in the Cloud-Edge (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Data-Centric Computing (DCC) group from the computer science department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center is searching for one data scientist as a PreDoc towards machine learning and data analytics platforms, willing to work on a Cloud-Edge Modeling and Orchestration in an EU project for the course 2023-2025.

The main objective is to participate in European research projects focused on data analysis of Cloud and HPC platforms, using machine learning for management. For this, we are looking for a Ph.D. Student to join the DCC group and develop a research line in workload and environment characterization in large-scale systems and supercomputers. The mentioned tasks involve academic efforts such as experimenting with HPDA platforms such as Spark, Cloud and Serverless environments, AI/ML platforms, and communicating research results (writing scientific papers, assisting at scientific conferences, ...). The research will include a joint collaboration with the industry, with mid-term stays abroad.

Key Duties

  • Contribution to the development of bigger frameworks for Predictive Analytics
  • Functional design and execution of experiments related to HPDA architectures, Cloud, and Serverless
  • Design of statistical and ML experiments toward multi-domain cases with large-volume data
  • Contribute to collaborations with different international research partners
  • Give mutual support to other researchers in the project

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 16 Juny, 2023

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Més entrades de Beques

Call for Entrepreneurs 2023 (DL: 15/06)

¿Eres fundador/a y estás buscando tu próximo desafío emprendedor?

¡Queremos conocerte!

En The Collider, programa de transferencia tecnológica de Mobile World Capital Barcelona, buscamos emprendedores para formar equipo con científicos que buscan llevar sus tecnologías desde el laboratorio al mercado a través de la creación de spin-offs.

Participa en nuestro programa  full time de 3 meses y conviértete en cofundador y CEO de una nueva startup Deep Tech respaldada por las mejores universidades y centros de investigación de España, liderando el proceso de ideación y validación del negocio, al mismo tiempo que construyes un equipo sólido capaz de hacer crecer una startup exitosa.

Application deadline – 15 de junio.

Més informació

Més entrades d'Emprenedoria

PhD Student - Machine Learning applications in the Cloud-Edge (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Data-Centric Computing (DCC) group from the computer science department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center is searching for one data scientist as a PreDoc towards machine learning and data analytics platforms, willing to work on a Cloud-Edge Modeling and Orchestration in an EU project for the course 2023-2025.

The main objective is to participate in European research projects focused on data analysis of Cloud and HPC platforms, using machine learning for management. For this, we are looking for a Ph.D. Student to join the DCC group and develop a research line in workload and environment characterization in large-scale systems and supercomputers. The mentioned tasks involve academic efforts such as experimenting with HPDA platforms such as Spark, Cloud and Serverless environments, AI/ML platforms, and communicating research results (writing scientific papers, assisting at scientific conferences, ...). The research will include a joint collaboration with the industry, with mid-term stays abroad.

Key Duties

  • Contribution to the development of bigger frameworks for Predictive Analytics
  • Functional design and execution of experiments related to HPDA architectures, Cloud, and Serverless
  • Design of statistical and ML experiments toward multi-domain cases with large-volume data
  • Contribute to collaborations with different international research partners
  • Give mutual support to other researchers in the project

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 16 Juny, 2023

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PhD Student (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Applications are invited for PhD student positions at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS). The PhD student will become a member of a world class research group that frequently contributes to top computer architecture and high-performance computing venues (E.g. SC, ISCA, HPCA, HPDC, or PPoPP).

Research activities will be focused on one or several of the following topics, among others:

1. Virtual memory management: Acceleration of virtual to physical address translation, hardware support for OS, management of irregular workloads.

2. High-performance computing architectures: Acceleration of floating-point intensive workloads via reconfigurable or vector processors.

3. Cache management policies for graph and strongly irregular workloads.

4. Numerical libraries for scientific computing with focus on long vector architectures.

Experience in some of these topics is strongly appreciated.

Key Duties

Formulate and evaluate new ideas in a rigorous way

Write technical reports and papers

Use and extend scientific code (numerical libraries, simulators, etc.)

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 16 Juny, 2023

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Jobinar: Women @ ECON

In our webinar, specially designed for interested and ambitious female professionals, we will hand over the sceptre to four experienced colleagues who will give you an exclusive insight into their working life at E.ON Inhouse Consulting (ECON).

Our consultants will share their experiences and give you an insight into the day-to-day work of an in-house consultancy. Find out how the feedback and development culture at ECON accelerates our colleagues' careers and enables each individual to grow. Learn more about our company and the exciting challenges that are revolutionizing the energy industry and discover how you can make a difference.

Don't miss this opportunity and submit your questions in advance or during our live chat event to get personalized answers that will help you drive your career forward.

Quan: 14 Jun 2023 12:00

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Més esdeveniments de reclutament

PhD Student (part-time) - Safety-critical systems projects (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Architecture and Operating System group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research on programming models for critical embedded systems in charge of controlling fundamental parts of cars, airplanes and satellites. Our work is mainly done in the context of bilateral projects with several processor companies as well as several European-funded projects. For a complete list of publications of the group in the last years, please visit:

The objective of this position is to work as engineer part-time in the context of several European projects whose focus is the use of high-performance platforms for safety-critical systems, with particular emphasis on GPUs. Moreover, the position will include doing the PhD part-time on related topics so that, as much as possible, engineering work contributes to the PhD and PhD-related work contributes to the engineering duties.

This position offers the possibility to collaborate with research institutions and industry from several European locations, through the participation in European projects (either funded by Horizon Europe, or the European Space Agency).

Key Duties

Carry out developments on high-performance SoCs with cores and GPUs, including benchmarking, performance analysis, etc.

Conduct research activities related with the use of high-performance SoCs in safety-critical systems

Collaborate with other team members in the developments and the follow up of the research activities

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 16 Juny, 2023

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Master Student - Language Technologies (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Language Technology Group in the Life Science Department is looking for a Master's student to work in the field of Machine Translation involving Catalan. This work will be part of the ongoing AINA project to generate technology and language resources for the Catalan language.

The selected candidate will work in a highly sophisticated HPC environment, access state-of-the-art systems and computational infrastructures, and collaborate and work closely with the group members.

Key Duties

  • Participate in internal group meetings and other scientific discussions.
  • Preparation and presentation of scientific articles.
  • Collaborate in the preparation and presentation of scientific projects.
  • Collaborate with the members of the group in the generation and evaluation of resources in Catalan

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 16 Juny, 2023

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Més entrades de Beques

Master Student - Language Technologies (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Language Technology Group in the Life Science Department is looking for a Master's student to work in the field of Machine Translation involving Catalan. This work will be part of the ongoing AINA project to generate technology and language resources for the Catalan language.

The selected candidate will work in a highly sophisticated HPC environment, access state-of-the-art systems and computational infrastructures, and collaborate and work closely with the group members.

Key Duties

Participate in internal group meetings and other scientific discussions.

Preparation and presentation of scientific articles.

Collaborate in the preparation and presentation of scientific projects.

Collaborate with the members of the group in the generation and evaluation of resources in Catalan

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 16 Juny, 2023

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Més entrades de Beques

Master Student - Language Technologies (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Language Technology Group in the Life Science Department is looking for a Master's student to work in the field of Machine Translation involving Catalan. This work will be part of the ongoing AINA project to generate technology and language resources for the Catalan language.

The selected candidate will work in a highly sophisticated HPC environment, access state-of-the-art systems and computational infrastructures, and collaborate and work closely with the group members.

Key Duties

  • Participate in internal group meetings and other scientific discussions.
  • Preparation and presentation of scientific articles.
  • Collaborate in the preparation and presentation of scientific projects.
  • Collaborate with the members of the group in the generation and evaluation of resources in Catalan

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 16 Juny, 2023

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One click to The Netherlands. Opportunities in the healthcare, agriculture, hospitality and technical sectors.

Welcome to the Netherlands!

Register now for the online event “One click to The Netherlands, opportunities in the healthcare, agriculture, hospitality and technical sectors” on Tuesday June 13 from 10:00 – 14:00 hrs.

The event provides information about living and working in the Netherlands and brings European jobseekers and Dutch employers together.

The Netherlands offers a wide range of job opportunities in various sectors; jobs for a longer period of time and seasonal work.

Jobseeker - Get the most out of the event by following these steps:

1.  Create your profile and upload your CV;

2.  Apply for jobs right away and keep checking for new postings;

3.  Prepare for interviews;

4.  Check out the event calendar (available closer to the event);

5.  Get to know the employers by visiting their virtual stands

6.  Chat with exhibitors on the day of the event, click on 'Chat with Exhibitors'.

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Internship programme Ingeniería de Producción (Programa de Becas). Boehringer Ingelheim

En Boehringer Ingelheim desarrollamos terapias innovadoras para mejorar la salud de las personas y los animales. Como empresa familiar fundada en 1885, Boehringer Ingelheim tiene una perspectiva a largo plazo. 

Hoy somos 52.000 personas trabajando en todo el mundo, fomentando una cultura diversa, colaborativa e inclusiva. Creemos que, si tenemos personas talentosas y ambiciosas apasionadas por la innovación, no hay límite para lo que podemos lograr.

Internship Programme Ingeniería Producción (Programa de becas). Fecha de inicio: Octubre 2023

¿Te gustaría comenzar y desarrollar tu carrera profesional en la Industria Farmacéutica y pertenecer a nuestra comunidad de jóvenes talento?

¿Estás cursando tu último año de grado o estás realizado un máster/postgrado en Ingeniería Industrial, Ingeniería Quimica o similar?

¿Tienes interés en comenzar tus prácticas en el mes de Octubre de 2023?

¡Entonces esta es tu oportunidad! Desde Boehringer Ingelheim lanzamos nuestra nueva convocatoria de programa de becas (internship programme) edición 2023-2024. Buscamos jóvenes entusiastas con muchas ganas de aprender y contribuir a nuestro propósito de mejorar la vida de generaciones presentes y futuras, a través de la realización de sus prácticas con nosotros. 

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Beca PAPCIM Ateneu ciutat meridiana - CIM UPC

Des de CIM UPC estem buscant una persona per poder optar a una beca a jornada parcial, a espai de FabDig.

Les característiques són les següents:

  • Coneixements avançats de disseny 2D i 3D.
  • Coneixements avançats de fabricació en 3D (impressió additiva).
  • Iniciativa, motivació per l’experimentació i capacitat d’innovació. -Adaptabilitat i motivació per projectes socials.
  • Competències per a dinamitzar grups de diferents edats i col·lectius, impartir continguts teòrics i guiar continguts pràctics.

I les principals tasques que habitualment es desenvolupen són:

  • Fer la tutoria tecnològica i la prestació del servei, operant els equips i les màquines dels programes
  • Donar suport a les persones usuàries en la realització de les activitats i projectes que es facin a l’espai.
  • Aplicar de les mesures de seguretat, prevenció, neteja i manteniment dels espais.
  • Tenir cura i fer el manteniment dels equips, les màquines i els materials per a la fabricació, i assegurar-ne el bon funcionament.
  • Tenir control de l’accés als espais tecnològics.
  • Seguir i aplicar les mesures administratives que es deriven de la gestió dels espais tecnològics, les comandes dels proveïdors, i el control de programes i llicències.
  • Ajudar a elaborar la memòria d’activitats.

HORARI: 40 o 20 hores setmanals.

Si us interessa aquesta vacant o coneixeu alguna persona interessada, si us plau, ens podeu fer arribar el CV actualitzat a: (indicant el nom de la vacant).

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International Labour Organization (ILO) Internships

ILO's Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities to graduate/postgraduate students and recently graduated candidates who are looking for a “hands-on” learning experience in fields related to the ILO's mandate and activities over a three to six-month period.

ILO Internship Programme provides an opportunity for talented individuals to:

increase understanding of relevant issues at the international level by involving them directly in the work of the Office and the application of ILO principles, programmes, and strategies;

gain practical experience with the ILO directly related to their field of study.


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Informe de Tendències Salarials 2025 de Randstad

En un context econòmic dinàmic i desafiador, el mercat laboral espanyol s'enfronta a reptes significatius, especialment en el que respec...