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Master student - Influence of the North Atlantic on the European climate and sensitivity to ocean eddies (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

We are offering a research internship to investigate the role that the North Atlantic Ocean plays in the climate of the neighboring continents, with a specific focus on determining whether resolving the eddy-scale features can change the atmospheric teleconnection mechanisms and through them the continental impacts. This will be done through the analysis of different idealized experiments in which an atmospheric model is forced with ocean boundary conditions that correspond to different global warming levels, and have different levels of spatial detail.

Key Duties

  • Characterising the response of the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation to climate change and its continental impacts by comparing two different experiments, one forced with climatological present-day SST conditions (1995-2014) and another forced with climatological future SST conditions (2031-2050), both derived from a global coupled simulation performed with a high resolution model that resolves the ocean mesoscale.
  • Disentangling the specific role of the eddies in driving the response by investigating two additional experiments, in which the climatological SST fields are previously smoothed over the Gulf Stream region to remove the eddy- scale features.
  • Produce a final report documenting the main scientific results

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

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