Master student - Understanding tropical basins interactions in coupled climate simulations (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

We are offering a research internship to gain insights on the Tropical Basins Interactions (TBI) at inter-annual timescales. The candidate will investigate the TBI as simulated by the EC-Earth3-CC model (the in-house Earth system model of BSC), with a particular focus on the interplay between the Pacific and Atlantic variability.

Key Duties

Evaluate the performances of the model in simulating the observed tropical modes of variability (including ENSO, Atlantic Niño,...).

Quantify the respective roles played by the different tropical oceans variations on the global climate variability over the period 1950-2022, by analyzing tropical pacemaker simulations performed with EC-Earth3-CC.

Produce a final report documenting the main scientific results

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023

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