Master Student - Machine Learning for Biomedical Research (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center
The Machine Learning for Biomedical Research Unit, led by Dr Davide Cirillo, is looking for a master's student to work on machine learning for the identification of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in hepatoblastoma. The project will be framed in the context of the European project “iPC - individualizedPaediatricCure” (GA n. 826121) in collaboration with Instituto de Investigación Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP). The successful candidate will complete a master’s thesis addressing the following topics: paediatric oncology, genetics and pathophysiology of hepatoblastoma, analysis and interpretation of clinical and omics data, and machine learning approaches for prediction and classification in rare disease scenarios.
The successful candidate will join a dynamic research group within the Life Sciences department, which integrates independent senior scientists that work on various aspects of computational biology, ranging from bioinformatics for genomics and proteomics to computational biochemistry and text mining. The Researcher will work in a highly sophisticated HPC environment, will have access to systems and computational infrastructures, and will establish collaborations with experts in different areas.
Key Duties
- Complete a master’s thesis in bioinformatics.
- Participate in internal group meetings and other scientific discussions.
Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 30 Juny, 2023
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