PhD Student (part-time) - Safety-critical systems projects (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Architecture and Operating System group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research on programming models for critical embedded systems in charge of controlling fundamental parts of cars, airplanes and satellites. Our work is mainly done in the context of bilateral projects with several processor companies as well as several European-funded projects. For a complete list of publications of the group in the last years, please visit:

The objective of this position is to work as engineer part-time in the context of several European projects whose focus is the use of high-performance platforms for safety-critical systems, with particular emphasis on GPUs. Moreover, the position will include doing the PhD part-time on related topics so that, as much as possible, engineering work contributes to the PhD and PhD-related work contributes to the engineering duties.

This position offers the possibility to collaborate with research institutions and industry from several European locations, through the participation in European projects (either funded by Horizon Europe, or the European Space Agency).

Key Duties

Carry out developments on high-performance SoCs with cores and GPUs, including benchmarking, performance analysis, etc.

Conduct research activities related with the use of high-performance SoCs in safety-critical systems

Collaborate with other team members in the developments and the follow up of the research activities

Termini per aplicar: Divendres, 16 Juny, 2023

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