Curso Santander | Inglés profesional para impulsar tu carrera

Este curso de Inglés, creado por el Departamento de Idiomas de Penn, no solo te ayudará a elaborar un currículum en inglés, sino que te ayudará a ser más eficaz en el proceso de búsqueda de empleo y a reflexionar sobre tus habilidades e intereses para mejorar tu capacidad de encontrar mejores oportunidades profesionales. También, explorarás la estructura y el lenguaje que se puede utilizar para crear currículums efectivos. A lo largo del curso, ampliarás tu vocabulario profesional y mejorarás tus competencias lingüísticas para ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos laborales.

Qué aprenderás

Explorar las oportunidades laborales

Identificar aptitudes e intereses

Consejos para la búsqueda adecuada de empleo

Personalizar el currículum

Revisar la estructura de currículum

Més informació

Més posts de Formació

Climate and Health Data Scientist (RE2) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Global Health Resilience (GHR) group led by ICREA Research Professor Rachel Lowe at the BSC-CNS is seeking a highly motivated data scientist to co-create robust harmonised datasets and dashboards for decision-support tools to enhance surveillance, preparedness, and response to global health challenges, including climate-sensitive infectious diseases.

The GHR group conducts cutting-edge methodological research on disentangling the impacts of global environmental change on infectious disease risk and co-developing impact-based forecasting models at sub-seasonal to decadal timescales in collaboration with public health, disaster risk management, and humanitarian agencies. The GHR group works closely with the Earth System Services (ESS) group, whose mission is to research the impact of weather, atmospheric chemistry and climate upon socio-economic sectors, including renewable energy, agriculture, water management, forest fires, urban development and health and demonstrate the ongoing value of earth system services to society and the economy.

The selected candidate will conduct data audits and exploratory data reports to summarise characteristics, biases and completeness of both open-source and stakeholder provided data to provide decision-support at multiple spatial scales and different forecasting horizons. They will perform data linkage, involving post-processing, downscaling, integration, harmonization and machine learning techniques, and visualization of multi-source, multi-scale epidemiological, climatic, environmental, demographic, socio-economic, human movement, and health systems datasets. They will develop dashboards to summarise and visualisation multi-sourced data and facilitate communication with the team and stakeholders and prepare and deliver material for stakeholder training and capacity building activities. The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with the Data and Diagnostics team that co-develops the analysis packages. This position presents an opportunity to work alongside a wide range of leading international climate and health scientists delivering cutting-edge climate services for the health sector to inform policymakers in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, Europe, and worldwide.

Successful candidates will benefit from expert training and BSC-CNS staff benefits: international multidisciplinary scientific environment and advanced applied research training. We encourage applications from highly motivated candidates with demonstrated experience in impact modelling for public health and an interest in applied research in the context of climate and environmental change.

Key Duties

  • Co-create decision support systems to enhance public health resilience to climate change
  • Conduct data audits of existing epidemiological, health system and environmental information
  • Process, clean, and verify the integrity of data to be used for analysis
  • Perform Extraction, Transform and Load (ETL) processes
  • Harmonise multi-source, multi-scale datasets (e.g. health surveillance, demographic, climate, hydrological, socio-economic, mobility, etc.)
  • Develop automated data pipelines for operational decision support tools
  • Conduct exploratory statistical analyses and create exploratory data analysis reports
  • Produce dashboards and design innovative ways to visualise data
  • Develop training materials for researchers, data managers and stakeholders
  • Communicate research results at scientific conferences and in refereed journals
  • Support applications for competitive grants and projects
  • Support administrative duties of the group, including arranging meetings, taking minutes, writing deliverable and mission reports, maintaining Wiki/webpages, etc.
  • Engage with local stakeholders, data managers and policy makers
  • Develop and maintain open-source data and modelling tools, e.g. R packages

Data de tancament: Divendres, 17 Gener, 2025

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Més posts de Recerca


Es busca a una persona Research Technician per al projecte “Proyecto H2OSEG- Retos ante la escasez para alcanzar la seguridad hídrica en España”– finançat pel Programa Prismas y Problemas de la Fundació BBVA 2023-, i que pugui treballar estretament amb l’equip coordinador del projecte.

Li correspondran tasques com ara: 

i) reunir dades de les diferents conques hidrogràfiques espanyoles que permetin definir factors de risc per a la seguretat hídrica; 

ii) contribuir a definir els conflictes de l‟aigua a Espanya; 

iii) participar en l’anàlisi de les dades i contribuir a elaborar els patrons que puguin sorgir; 

iv) participar en la difusió del projecte.


  • Recollir les dades que contribueixin a definir la seguretat hídrica i dels conflictes hídrics més rellevants actualment a Espanya.
  • Organitzar les dades per a l’anàlisi i la posterior publicació

Termini presentació candidatures: 15/01/2025

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Oferta pública 31/12/2024


Ajuntament de Salou - Patronat Municipal de Turisme

1 plaça de Tècnic de gestió

Consorci Sanitari del Maresme

1 plaça de Cap d'enginyeria i obres

Parc de l'Espai d'Interès Natural de Gallecs

1 plaça de Tècnic de gestió

Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge 6th Edition by Enterprise Singapore

Join the Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge 6th Edition, led by Enterprise Singapore, and drive impactful change. Take part to solve any one of the challenge statements below. Collaborate with industry leaders on key issues like climate change, green buildings, and sustainable agriculture. Start building a better, sustainable future today!

Climate Change:

    (a) How might we apply AI to optimize energy consumption in large-scale desalination plants?

    (b) How might we repurpose unwanted filtered wastewater for greenhouse irrigation, to transform an industrial byproduct into a sustainable asset?

    (c) How might we produce significantly more clean or renewable energy from an urban industrial setting in a natural resource poor area, other than from traditional solar PV panels?

    (d) How might we boost clean energy production at our shipyards by enhancing solar panel performance and exploring novel power generation technologies suitable for harsh environments?

    (e) How might we significantly reduce our scope 1 carbon emissions from the steel fabrication process, through innovative solutions?

    (f) How might we capture (and store) CO2 emissions arising from our engine test cell activities?

Green Buildings

    (a) How might we produce significantly more clean or renewable energy from an urban industrial setting in a natural resource poor area, other than from traditional solar PV panels?

    (b) How might we improve indoor thermal comfort in Singapore’s public housing flats in a scalable, energy-efficient way?

    (c) How might we replace virgin sand and limestone filler with processed concrete demolition waste (CDW) in pre-mixed building materials?

    (d) How might we find novel solutions to mitigate heat and cool down the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect on Sentosa’s outdoor environment?

Sustainable Agriculture and Trade

    (a) How might we develop a precise, automated and scaleable pest control solution for palm oil plantations, minimizing pesticide waste and labour?

    (b) How might we empower smallholder farmers in APAC with an affordable digital tool that observes and diagnoses soil and crop health for increased yields, bringing precision agriculture within reach?

    (c) How might we reimagine last-mile cold chain logistics with cutting-edge, sustainable solutions that significantly reduce our carbon footprint while ensuring optimal food safety and quality?

    (d) How might we leverage novel technologies in animal nutrition, manure management and precision farming to create a carbon-negative value chain, setting new industry norms in sustainable food production?

Sustainable Materials

    (a) How might we transform sugarcane bagasse and coconut fiber-enhanced bioplastics that revolutionize single-use packaging using bio-processing?

    (b) How can we find novel solutions and technologies to convert biomass residual waste into base chemicals for Goodyear tyres?

    (c) How might we pioneer a next-generation emulsifier that transforms upcycled materials into high-performance ingredients, enhancing sustainability n food and personal care products?

    (d) How might we pioneer eco-friendly packaging solutions for bulk construction products, to reduce environmental impact and set new norms for industrial packaging?

    (e) How might we reimagine and pioneer sustainable retail packaging, to minimize waste an carbon footprint while maintaining brand allure and visual appeal?

Open Category

    We are inviting innovative solution providers to submit your pitch decks and pilot plans under the SOIC 6th Edition Open Category x TLC, which focuses on 2 themes: Decarbonization and Cool Earth.

Eligibility criteria

The Challenge is open to all startups and SMEs. Different challenge owners offer different award and collaboration opportunities for pilots. Foreign-based startups and SMEs may be considered to be awarded funding from Enterprise Singapore if they are registered as a legal entity in Singapore within six months of being appointed as a matched company.

Expires on January 27, 2025

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Més posts de Concursos

Research Engineer for MDAO (RE2) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Dual-Use Technologies group opens a new position for a research engineer aiming to develop MDAO. The candidate will design, implement and deploy efficient strategies for coupled systems to be adapted for new data and physical models.

Key Duties

  • Study SOTA methods for MDAO
  • Design AI methods based on control strategies with reinforcement learning and evolutionary algorithms
  • Lead implementation of ML and AI algorithms
  • Attend project meetings, achieve expected milestones and lead writing of deliverables
  • Support other projects with MDAO&AI developments (training of reinforcement learning agents, fine-tuning of generative algorithms,...)

Data de tancament: Dijous, 16 Gener, 2025

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L’ICRA ofereix una plaça per una persona tècnica d’investigació avançada dins del projecte ElectroPoly: Destrucció electroquímica de substàncies polimèriques per i polifluoroalquils (PFAS) mitjançant elèctrodes d’esponja de grafè funcionalitzats, centrat en el desenvolupament del sistema electroquímic habilitat per al grafè per al tractament de residus carregats de PFAS originats del indústria de semiconductors.

El càrrec implica l’execució de les activitats científico-tècniques del projecte, incloent la preparació d’elèctrodes d’esponja de grafè funcionalitzats mitjançant plantilles d’escuma de carbur de silici conductor, la seva caracterització superficial i electroquímica, el funcionament de sistemes electroquímics basats en aquests elèctrodes per al tractament de fluoropolímers emprats en la indústria dels semiconductors.

S’espera que la persona seleccionada tingui una alta motivació per dur a terme la recerca prevista en el projecte. Les tasques inclouen: 1.- Síntesi d’elèctrodes funcionals d’esponja de grafè (és a dir, recoberts d’òxid de grafè reduït) utilitzant escumes ceràmiques conductores com a plantilles. 2.- Caracterització dels elèctrodes d’esponja de grafè a base de ceràmica conductora (electroquímica, caracterització superficial), 3.- Avaluació dels elèctrodes d’esponja de grafè basats en SiC per a l’oxidació electroquímica de PFAS.

Aquest contracte està finançat pel Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya en el marc de la convocatòria Producte de l’any 2024 d’ajuts d’Indústria del Coneixement. Projecte ElectroPoly – Expedient: 2024 PROD 00118


1.-Síntesi d’elèctrodes d’esponja de grafè funcionals (és a dir, recoberts d’òxid de grafè reduït) utilitzant escumes ceràmiques conductores com a plantilles. 

2.-Caracterització dels elèctrodes d’esponja de grafè a base de ceràmica conductora (electroquímica, caracterització superficial), 

3.-Avaluació dels elèctrodes d’esponja de grafè basats en SiC per a l’oxidació electroquímica de PFAS

Termini presentació candidatures: 15/01/2025

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Curso Santander | Fundamentos de Power BI

Este curso introductorio de Power BI está dirigido a quienes quieren adentrarse en el análisis de datos. Aprenderás a utilizar esta herramienta poderosa para importar datos, crear informes y gráficos visuales, así como interactuar con ellos y aplicar filtros para explorar la información en tus conjuntos de datos. Además, te enseñaremos a transformar datos con el editor de Power Query, lo que mejorará el rendimiento y la presentación de tus datos de manera efectiva.

Qué aprenderás

Descubre cómo iniciarte en el análisis de datos con Power BI: importa, analiza y visualiza datos, y aprende a optimizar su presentación con el editor de Power Query.

  • Qué es Power BI
  • Descargar Power BI desktop
  • Ventana de Power BI
  • Importación de datos
  • Dar formato a columnas
  • Primeros informes en Power BI
  • Más informes
  • Panel de filtros
  • Formatos condicionales
  • Introducción a Power Query

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Més posts de Formació

Research - Grants Project Manager - Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (CASE)

We are looking for a candidate to manage and coordinate the full lifecycle of research projects within the BSC’s Project Management Office (PMO), with a focus on a national project of the centre’s Computer Applications for Science and Engineering (CASE) Department, and in the future other European projects. This position will report to the Senior Project Manager for the BSC’s CASE department.

The winning candidate will interact with the project's Principal Investigators and consortium members on a daily basis. Structurally, he/she will report to the Senior Research Project Manager.

Key Duties

  • Project Coordination. Carefully plan the use of resources and monitor work progress, anticipate possible problems and maintain excellent communication with the Principal Investigator and the Project Officer or equivalent from funding agencies. Keep track of budgets and effort spent. Organize and participate in consortium meetings, teleconferences, reviews and other events. Prepare and submit high-quality periodic reports on time (collect and review consortium information). Ensure compliance with contractual obligations and help to resolve possible disputes between partners.
  • Follow the development of the project and implement a quality assurance process for deliverables. Prepare and submit high-quality Periodic Reports on time (collect and review consortium information). Ensure that deliverables are handed in on time and that project milestones are met.
  • Proposal Management. Take the lead on the definition and writing of the management section of project proposals where relevant and coordinate contributions from other partners regarding the use of resources, budget, project governance, etc. Contribute to other proposal sections where needed, including the impact section. Ensure that administrative requirements of proposals are met (eligibility, etc.).
  • Contract Management. Interface with BSC legal services, BSC researchers and external parties.
  • Others. Collaborate to improve the operation of the PMO by sharing best practices. Take responsibility for specific BSC research groups and establish a good relationship with the group leaders and other researchers to help them achieve their aims.

Data de tancament: Dijous, 16 Gener, 2025

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Es busca una candidatura per al projecte “Proyecto H2OSEG- Retos ante la escasez para alcanzar la seguridad hídrica en España”– finançat pel Programa Prismas y Problemas de la Fundació BBVA 2023-, i que pugui treballar estretament amb l’equip coordinador del projecte.

Li correspondran tasques com ara: i) coordinar reunions presencials i no presencials dels membres de l’equip i de persones actores implicades en els diferents casos d’estudi; ii) reunir i elaborar les dades existents sobre la seguretat hídrica a Espanya, i definir implicacions per a diferents escenaris climàtics, socioeconòmics i d’usos del sòl; iii) gestionar la pàgina web i la disseminació del projecte; iv) contribuir a generar una dinàmica de discussió i concreció dels resultats obtinguts.

La persona seleccionada es farà càrrec d’organitzar l’anàlisi i la publicació dels principals resultats del projecte. Es contractarà una persona amb trajectòria científica i/o tècnica en la gestió de l’aigua, especialment des de la perspectiva de la conservació dels ecosistemes aquàtics.


  • Efectuar l’anàlisi de dades que contribueixin a definir la seguretat hídrica a Espanya, per a la societat i els ecosistemes, a escenaris presents i futurs
  • Organitzar l’anàlisi i la publicació dels principals resultats del projecte
  • Coordinar les tasques dels membres de l’equip i organitzar i coordinar les reunions sectorials en cadascun dels casos d’estudi del projecte

Termini presentació candidatures: 10/01/2025

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Technology Transfer Junior officer on spin off and innovation projects pe al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Reporting to BSC’s Technology Transfer Manager, the TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Junior officer on spin off and innovation projects will support the execution of the activities defined in innovation projects, mainly focused on identifying, registering, protecting and facilitating the exploitation of BSC’s research results. He or she will also help with activities which reinforce BSC’s positioning in HPC innovation ecosystem by promoting the use of BSC’s portfolio of technologies to society and market.

Key Duties

  • Provide help with the management of BSC spin off portfolio
  • Provide help with the execution of innovation and entrepreneurship projects at BSC
  • Provide help to organize BSC events into High Performance Computing innovation ecosystem

Data de tancament: Dijous, 16 Gener, 2025

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Espacios del futuro: oficinas y multifamily - COSMO LAB by CENCO MALLS-

Buscamos Startups y Scaleups que nos permitan hacer convivir la vida laboral y personal en un solo lugar, integrando espacios de oficina y multifamily como parte de un ecosistema que genera gran satisfacción en sus clientes. El apoyo de tecnologías que robustezcan la comunicación, acercando información precisa y en tiempo real sobre la operación diaria, reparaciones, mantenciones y coordinaciones, es fundamental para hacer más dinámica y grata la interacción entre los miembros de la comunidad.

Canales de comunicación: Buscamos herramientas avanzadas que faciliten una conexión anticipada y efectiva con los clientes, proporcionando alertas tempranas sobre mantenimiento, fallas, inconformidades o aspectos de seguridad. 

Mantenimiento: Buscamos tecnologías de sensorización y monitoreo en tiempo real para reducir inactividad, anticipar y resolver problemas técnicos, minimizando conflictos y garantizando un servicio continuo y confiable.

Integración en comunidad: Buscamos tecnologías que fortalezcan el sentido de pertenencia y cohesión, promoviendo la interacción, el intercambio de intereses y la organización de actividades compartidas para maximizar el uso de espacios comunes y crear una comunidad activa y participativa. 

Análisis de tendencias de mercado en tiempo real: Buscamos herramientas de análisis en tiempo real para comprender tendencias de consumo, preferencias de residentes y características socioeconómicas en proyectos inmobiliarios.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Estar legalmente constituida.
  • Encontrarse en una etapa cuyo producto y/o servicio esté validado por algún corporativo.
  • Debe contar con capacidad operativa para ejecutar una prueba piloto y operar en Chile.
  • Debe contar con un modelo de negocio definido, validado por algún corporativo y una cartera de clientes establecidos.


  • Patrocinio Estratégico: Se realizará un análisis en conjunto con la startup para definir los gastos relacionados con el piloto. 
  • Acceso Directo al Corporativo: Acceso a la infraestructura de la compañía como canales de distribución, conocimiento y activos estratégicos para impulsar su escalamiento, previa firma de NDA. 
  • Construcción de Alianzas Comerciales: Propuesta de valor enfocada a generar alianzas comerciales, relaciones de proveedores y/o co-creación. 
  • Opción de Ingresar al Portafolio de Inversión de Cencosud Ventures: Tu startup será evaluada como candidata para unirte al portafolio de inversión de Cencosud Ventures, brindándote acceso a recursos financieros y estratégicos que catapultará tu escalamiento a nuevos niveles.

Expires on January 19, 2025

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Més posts de Recerca

Junior research engineer for Social Link Analytics (RE1) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Within the Life Sciences Department, we are looking for a junior research engineer RE1 to work with the Social Link Analytics unit. The Social Link Analytics unit is dedicated to analyzing data related to biology and medicine, aiming to evaluate their impact on scientific advancement in society. The main areas of activity of the unit include:

  • Leading the Bioinfo4Women programme of the Life Department.
  • Research on sex and gender biases in health and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Study the spread of disinformation in the media and on social networks, tracking its propagation and regarding the evolution of narratives. This involves applying network analysis techniques, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and language models (LLMs).
  • Conducting a comprehensive evaluation of AI applications in the health sector, considering technical, human, and social dimensions.

In this context the successful candidate will be tasked to help in the development of the LLMs integration within the current projects and help to design suitable solutions for generating, processing and analysing data.

El contrato se financia con cargo a la ayuda PMP22/00008 concedida por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III, financiada por el Instituto de Salud

Carlos III (ISCIII) y con posible cofinanciación con Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER "Una manera de hacer Europa"), hasta el 31/12/2025.

Key Duties

  • Contribute to the units’ project in deploying LLMs pipelines.
  • Run analysis pipelines and present results
  • Develop new methodological approaches to meet the particularities of the data

Data de tancament: Diumenge, 19 Gener, 2025

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Més posts de Recerca

2 Controls Software Engineers per al Sincrotó ALBA

The Controls and Data Acquisition (DAQ) Section is staffed by 19 engineers. They design, develop, operate and support the Control Systems of the Accelerators, Beamlines, and Laboratories and the Data Acquisition systems required for the experiments. Also, the section is responsible for the Protection Systems for Personnel and Equipment.

We are looking for two Controls Software Engineers eager to learn and take on new challenges while contributing to:

  • Develop Software for the Control System, Data Acquisition, and Data Processing of the ALBA Synchrotron’s Accelerators and Beamlines.
  • Participate in the development of the generic software toolset, including the core libraries, hardware specific developments and control, including graphical components and integration of actuators, sensors and detectors.
  • Propose and implement innovation projects in the field of Controls software in order to ensure growth of the Section technical expertise.
  • Be a contact person for internal customer units and external collaborations.
  • Take part in Agile teams for software development projects.
  • Provide operational support and maintenance for the services related to the Control Systems, particularly for Accelerators and Beamlines.

The successful candidate will work in technical areas such as:

  • Software Interfaces; Network-based Distributed Control Systems (DCS) e.g. TANGO (mainly), EPICS
  • Python based Controls and DAQ frameworks for Synchrotron’s Accelerators and Beamlines
  • Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), either for desktop environment in PyQt and pyqtgraph or for web environment in JavaScript and React
  • DevOps: automated testing, packaging and CI/CD, Configuration Management, logging and monitoring
  • Linux System administration, Linux Kernel device drivers and Linux Kernel modules

The position requires fluent speaking and writing of English. If a candidate's English level is lower, the consortium will provide means for reaching the desired level within 6 months.

Please view the following video for a detailed explanation of the positions’ functions and selection process


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PhD Student on Generative Modelling (R1) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

EAPM is a group focuses on the theoretical modelling of biochemical and biophysical processes placing emphasis both on development of methods and on their application to specific systems. For this, we combine different modeling techniques including: quantum mechanics electronic structure, molecular modeling (Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics techniques), bioinformatic statistical analysis, machine learning, etc.

The PhD student for this vacancy will develop and apply AI molecular generative modelling for small molecules and peptides

Key Duties

  • Develop and run AI code
  • Run molecular modelling simulations
  • Data analysis
  • Integrate into a consolidated team

Data de tancament: Dijous, 16 Gener, 2025

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Cus: Disseny de moda CLO 3D avançat. Eurecat acdemy

Aquest curs de disseny de moda amb CLO 3D està dissenyat per a brindar als i les participants una comprensió completa del disseny de moda en 3D, centrant-se en l’ús de programari avançat de modelatge 3D i tècniques d’edició de patrons. Les persones participants aprendran a traduir les seves idees creatives en dissenys digitals realistes, aplicant simulacions de tela i perfeccionant les seves habilitats de disseny de patrons per a aconseguir peces úniques i modernes.

Programa del curs

1. Descripció y coneixament del software


Navegació per la suite Selecció o Simulació Punts de posició

2. Aplicació d’eines de cosit

Tipus de cosit

Edició de cosits

Cosit de peces bàsiques

3. Aplicació d’edició de Patrons

Eines d’edició

Creació de líniess internes, pin

4. Aplicacions de materials i gràfics:

Color, llibreria

Textures i estampats

Afegir gràfics

Detalls: Repunts, distancia de partícules, doblament, plisats, pinces, presió, el¡astics, botons, cremalleres

Inici: 18/01/2025

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Oferta pública 30/12/2024


Ajuntament de Santa Cristina d'Aro

1 plaça de Tècnic informàtic

Consell Comarcal de la Noguera

Borsa de treball de places de Secretari interventor del Servei d'Assistència Tècnica (SAT)

Generalitat de Catalunya - Agència Catalana del Patrimoni Cultural

6 places de Tècnic de gestió (Barcelona)

Generalitat de Catalunya - Agència Catalana del Patrimoni Cultural

3 places de Llicenciat infraestructures i gestió patrimonial (Barcelona)

Generalitat de Catalunya - Agència Catalana del Patrimoni Cultural

1 plaça de Llicenciat àmbit científic (Barcelona)

Generalitat de Catalunya - Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya

1 plaça de Responsable de Control i Operació de Perímetres (COP)

Generalitat de Catalunya - Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya

1 plaça de Cap d'Unitat de l'Òrgan de Certificació (COC)

Generalitat de Catalunya - Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya

1 plaça de Responsable de Seguretat de la Informació (RSI)

Generalitat de Catalunya - Agència de Ciberseguretat de Catalunya

1 plaça de Responsable de Resposta Activa (RRA)

Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Justícia i Qualitat Democràtica

1 plaça de Tècnic superior a la Direcció General d'Afers Religiosos

Generalitat de Catalunya - Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA)

1 plaça de PhD candidate for the Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture Program

Generalitat de Catalunya - Ports de la Generalitat

1 plaça de Responsable de Supervisió (Responsable d'Acció Climàtica i Supervisió de la Gestió Indirecta)

Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC)

2 places d'Innovation Manager

Loteries de Catalunya, SAU

1 plaça de Tècnic de gestió i administració de loteries - Direcció de Desenvolupament de Negoci i d'Innovació

Loteries de Catalunya, SAU

1 plaça de Llicenciat - Direcció d'Operacions de Joc

Loteries de Catalunya, SAU

1 plaça de Tècnic operatiu de gestió de loteries - Direcció d'Operacions de Joc

Research Engineer on AI for critical systems (RE1) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Architecture and Operating System group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research on programming models for critical embedded systems in charge of controlling fundamental parts of cars, airplanes and satellites. Our work is mainly done in the context of bilateral projects with several processor companies as well as several European-funded projects. For a complete list of publications of the group in the last years, please visit:

The Research Engineer position integrates advanced AI research with a focus on aligning technical systems with European legal and regulatory requirements for critical systems. The role emphasizes analyzing the interplay between data governance, AI explainability, and legal frameworks (e.g., AI Act, GDPR, DSA). Responsibilities include contributing to the development developing actionable technical designs for legal compliance, legal assessment of testing on real-world platforms, and creating guidelines that bridge legal part of regulation and technical feasibility innovation. This position will contribute significantly to trustworthy AI in critical systems for combating disinformation, ensuring fairness, transparency, accountability, trustworthiness, legal compliance and sustainability.

Key Duties

  • Conduct in-depth analysis of data governance regulations (e.g., DGA, GDPR, AI Act) to identify technical requirements for trustworthy AI systems.
  • Develop frameworks that translate legal mandates into actionable technical designs, with a focus on reliability, explainability, fairness, and transparency
  • Collaborate with technical partners to evaluate AI systems ensuring compliance with EU legal standards on data and AI
  • Contribute to actionable policy guidelines to support the European regulatory framework for AI governance

Data de tancament: Dimecres, 15 Gener, 2025

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Exponential Open Day Innovamat: visita les empreses més disruptives de Catalunya

Les empreses Catalonia Exponential Leaders són autèntics models d'adaptació i innovació que poden inspirar professionals com tu.

Ara tens l’oportunitat de conèixer Innovamat, una de les empreses més disruptives de Catalunya en l’àmbit de l’educació. Innovamat és un motor de canvi que transforma la manera com mirem les matemàtiques. Amb una combinació de tecnologia, recerca i passió per l’ensenyament, ha revolucionat les aules, posant a l’abast de docents i alumnes noves eines d’aprenentatge.

Fundada el 2017 a Barcelona, Innovamat ha redefinit com s’ensenyen les matemàtiques, arribant a més de 490.000 alumnes en països com Espanya, Estats Units, Mèxic, Itàlia, Brasil i molts més. Durant la visita a les seves oficines, el seu CEO Andreu Dotti, compartirà com l’empresa s’ha convertit en un referent internacional, i amb Laura Morera, responsable didàctica, coneixeràs i experimentaràs com funciona el model d’aprenentatge d’Innovamat.

Cada any, ACCIÓ reconeix com a Catalonia Exponential Leaders aquelles empreses que generen nous models de negoci a partir d’idees disruptives, que tenen un impacte positiu i que s’atreveixen a desenvolupar solucions per crear un futur millor. Aquest acte forma part dels Exponential Open Days, visites regulars a les Catalonia Exponential Leaders.

Si vols aprendre com es poden transformar les aules, aquesta és la teva oportunitat!

Inscripcions fins al 17 de gener

Quan: dijous, 23 de gener del 2025 de 17.00 h a 19.00 h

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Més posts d'Esdeveniments

Undergrad student on AI-related systems (R0) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Architecture and Operating System group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research on programming models for critical embedded systems in charge of controlling fundamental parts of cars, airplanes and satellites. Our work is mainly done in the context of bilateral projects with several processor companies as well as several European-funded projects. For a complete list of publications of the group in the last years, please visit:

The objective of this position is to work in a small team on AI solutions for safety-critical systems in the context of the SAFEXPLAIN, EdgeAI-Trust, CAPSUL-IA and AI4DeBunk projects. The candidate will conduct some developments supporting the execution of AI models in platforms such as NXP iMX8 and NVIDIA Orin, orchestrating the execution of multiple AI models.

Key Duties

  • Get familiar with the use of the target platforms (NXP iMX8 and NVIDIA Orin)
  • Execute AI models (mostly YOLO) on those platforms
  • Implement some solutions combining multiple AI models to provide a trustworthy prediction

Data de tancament: Dimecres, 15 Gener, 2025

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European Videogame Accelerator

Our annual pan-European program comprises 6 intense months of workshops, networking, and 1-on-1 mentoring (March-August). We support established studios with growth ambitions to set themselves up for long-term success.

Since 2016, the program connects young studios to high-caliber experts, mentors, publishers, and investors. We path your way to financial independence, strong control over your IP, and a powerful support network across Europe and beyond.

Apply now for the European Videogame Accelerator 2025

Reminder to submit your application by January 15th, 2025 at 23:59 CET. You can do it! Let us know if you need help.

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Més posts d'Emprenedoria

Research Engineer on agile simulation/SDV - DARE (RE1-2) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

DARE European Supercomputing Project.

DARE project (Digital Autonomy with RISC-V in Europe), is a strategic project for BSC whose aim is to address Europe’s deficit in digital autonomy for High-Performance Computing and AI, by creating truly European products for the next generation of EU supercomputers for research and industry.

This position involves designing and implementing an advanced agile simulation framework that combines high performance with maximum accuracy for simulating large-scale benchmarks and programs. The framework will integrate QEMU and gem5 tools into a synergistic system, enabling switching between the two. The primary goals include (i) accelerating operating system and software development workflows and (ii) capturing detailed execution statistics for specific regions of interest within evaluated benchmarks. This role requires expertise in simulation technologies, software engineering, and performance optimization.

Key Duties

  • Hardware modeling and performance evaluation using simulation tools with High Performance Computing requirements as part of a team.
  • Design and developed an unified simulation framework combining QEMU and gem5.
  • Hardware characterization using different profiling tools.
  • Learn and develop different verification techniques for simulated environments.
  • Publish the results obtained during the development of the work in international conferences.
  • Coordinate with a local team at BSC and an international team from different European institutions.

Data de tancament: Dimecres, 15 Gener, 2025

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The Advanced Materials Challenge by Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) aims to support transformative projects that leverage innovative materials to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and position Alberta for a low-emissions economy. The program focuses on advancing technologies in areas such as carbon capture, circular plastics, biochar, novel materials for industrial emissions reduction, and the utilization of critical minerals. Projects must align with decarbonization strategies and demonstrate clear emissions reduction impacts.

Eligible projects should be at the field pilot, demonstration, or first-of-its-kind commercial implementation stage, aiming to showcase solutions in an operational environment. Companies participating stand to gain significant support and opportunities, including up to $5 million in funding per project, covering a maximum of 50% of eligible expenses. Beyond financial assistance, successful applicants will benefit from ERA's robust network, including connections with industry leaders, government stakeholders, and potential collaborators.

Eligibility criteria:

- Open to global innovators, technology developers, industries, municipalities, Indigenous communities, SMEs, universities, and non-profits.

- Projects must be piloted, demonstrated, or deployed in Alberta.

- Partnerships with Alberta-based institutions, Indigenous communities, and municipalities are encouraged.

- A minimum funding request of $250,000 is required, with a maximum of $5 million available per project. ERA will contribute no more than 50% of eligible project expenses.

Expires on January 23, 2025

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