Research support technician in nanofabrication and nanoscale thermal transport | ICN2 - Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia

The Phononic and Photonic Nanostructure Group ( carries out research in the general area of nanophononics, which includes nano-scale thermal transport, phononic crystals, thermoelectricity, acousto-metamaterials, topological bosonics and NEOMs. The group is 14-strong and additionally involves several undergraduate project and visiting students.

'Phonon engineering in precisely assembled atomically thin layers (PETITE)'  aims at development of advanced 2D materials with enhanced elastic and thermal anisotropy via phonon engineering, by controlling the precise arrangement of atomic layers and their relative angle and interface quality.

The main tasks involve:

To develop nanofabrication methods for free-standing, large-area 2D materials (mechanical exfoliation and dry transfer)

To study nanoscale transport in suspended and supported 2D materials

Deadline for applications: 31/03/2024

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