UNICEF Internships

The UNICEF Internship Programme offers students and recent graduates from diverse academic backgrounds the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with UNICEF through global internship opportunities.

Interns at UNICEF get experiential learning opportunities in the humanitarian sector and a meaningful internship experience that will support their academic, professional and personal development.

Our Internship Programme offers students and recent graduates the opportunity to gain direct practical work experience.

• Duration: The duration of an internship is normally between six and twenty-six weeks. Internships can be on a full-time or a part-time basis.

• Expenses we cover: UNICEF provides a monthly stipend to interns. A one-time lump sum, as a contribution towards travel and visa costs, may also be granted when funding is available.

• Visa: If necessary, UNICEF will provide relevant supporting documents for our visa applications.

DEADLINE: 18/03/2024

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