Project Manager per l'IREC

IREC-CERCA is looking for a Project Manager to join the Project Management Team. This Position will be co-funded within the frame of TransHEner 2.0 project (‘Fostering the energy transition in Horizon Europe’, TransHEner2.0 – funded by MICINN-AEI - ( We are seeking for a profile who is preferably familiar with the administrative, financial and legal management of EU funded projects (HE and/or other programs).

The project manager, under the supervision of the project leader and the group leader, will carry out tasks aimed at achieving the objectives set in the aforementioned project. In this sense, its main functions will be:

• Participation and support in the different tasks of TransHEner2.0 project.

• Participation and support in the preparation of the different deliverables of the project.

• Project monitoring and reporting of the TransHEner2.0 project.

• Under the supervision of the project leader and the group leader, support and/or participation in all those tasks of the Project Management Unit that are related to the achievement of the tasks/objectives of the TransHEner2.0 project.

Deadline for application: 26/03/2024

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