We are seeking a highly motivated person holding a bachelor’s degree on environmental engineering, environmental sciences, chemistry or similar. The person will be supporting theoretical and practical research, under the framework of the iWAYS EU project ( Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 958274. Specifically, he/she will be operating and evaluating the performance of a laboratory scale pilot of membrane distillation with the aim to use this technology to reuse industrial effluents from the steel manufacturing industry.


He/she will test a lab scale membrane distillation unit in ICRA to characterize membranes regarding their performance with different hot feed and cold temperatures. Trials will be carried out with clean salt solutions and with wastewater from the steel manufacturing industry. Specifically, studies will be carried out on membrane fouling and membrane wetting, i.e. chacterize the occurrence of these adverse phenomena. In addition, he/she may also test different pretreatment strategies based on coagulation-flocculation and the compatibility of membrane distillation with the reagents employed in the pretreatment. He/she will carry out the experimentation in ICRA, the data analysis, and write a final technical report.

Termini presentació candidatures: 15/03/2024

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