Research Project Manager per a l'Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM)

The Institute of Marine Science (Institut de Ciències del Mar, ICM-CSIC) is the fourth largest research institute of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the largest dedicated to marine research. Under the motto “Ocean Science for a Healthy Planet,” the ICM conducts frontier research and foster both knowledge and technology transfer on topics related to ocean and climate interactions, conservation and sustainable use of marine life and ecosystems, and impact mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards. In-depth knowledge, determined action, and coordinated management are essential to confronting these global challenges, thereby driving sustainable development of humankind.

CSIC and all its research center were awarded with the "HR Excellence in Research" seal in 2021. This recognition reflects our commitment to continuously improving our human resources policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Recruitment at ICM is open, transparent and merit-based, and all applicants compete on the same terms.

What we are looking for

We are seeking for a research project manager to support Dr. Marta Coll in the management of her research projects and research group, more specifically, in developing the following tasks:

  • European and national R&D projects management: financial follow-up, coordination, technical and financial reports support, contact with projects partners and funding bodies. Relevant projects: GES4SEAS & MarinePlan
  • Group’s internal administration activities in coordination with ICM’s and CSIC administration
  • Strategic activities, including outreach initiatives, science dissemination and event organization
  • Grants opportunities search: international and national calls to fund projects and fellowships in coordination with ICM’s research support office
  • Proposals preparation and submission: participation in writing proposals, budgets, submission and follow-up

Termini per aplicar: 01 September 2023

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