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CoreNet Global Academic Challenge

We invite students from around the world to think creatively about a problem facing real estate professionals for renowned companies like USAA, Google, Standard Chartered, IBM, HSBC, AstraZeneca, Whirlpool, and many others.     

You and your teammates will engage in a contest with competing institutions from all over the globe. Your job is to address challenges like creating an employee experience that attracts millennials while retaining all other generations of employees; or reducing the gap between the speed of business and the typical speed of real estate.

Budding professionals welcome! We’re seeking your ingenuity and creativity. The competition is open to all students (undergraduate/graduate, full-time/part-time) who are currently registered at a recognized university.

CoreNet Global is pleased to announce its 14th Academic Challenge.

sponsored by: KI Furniture

The goal of this global competition is to raise awareness of corporate real estate as a viable career opportunity amongst college students of all academic disciplines, to connect local chapters and members of the association with future talent, and encourage more universities to include corporate real estate in their curricula. 

A Student Competition

Student teams from universities and academic institutions in the Americas and Europe are invited to compete in an academic challenge wherein students are asked to play the role of an internal corporate real estate team in order to address a real-world issue facing companies around the globe: address the changing nature of work and its impact on the function of corporate real estate and the corporate real estate portfolio. With the rise of remote and hybrid work arrangements, corporate real estate professionals must find creative solutions to provide a range of workspaces that support how and where employees will work now and in the future; reframe, realign, and repurpose existing real estate assets to reflect this new reality; and ensure that the workplace, broadly and holistically defined in the emerging era of technology-enabled hybrid working, supports and drives employee productivity, experience, and wellbeing; talent attraction and retention; and corporate imperatives for greater performance in both sustainability and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

Three teams, with a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) students each, will be selected to compete as part of the CoreNet Global Summit, a professional conference of corporate real estate professionals, to be held in Denver, 28 – 30 October 2023. Interested students are required to complete a competition registration form and then respond to the challenge, as discussed herein. Based on the quality of their submission, three teams will be invited to participate (live) in the Final Round.

The winning team will be awarded US$5,000.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 14 September 2023, 23:59 (EDT)

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