Lecture 'A pessimistic vision of technology to be optimistic'

On the 12th of April 2023, we kindly invite you to join a lecture 'A pessimistic vision of technology to be optimistic' by Manuela Battaglini, strategic digital marketer, lawyer and AI ethics researcher at Globernance.

Actually, automated decisions, the digitalisation of public administration and now ChatGPT are three examples of how technology and its impact are increasingly being used as a tool to increase the benefits of the most advantaged and to discriminate against and marginalise the most disadvantaged.

How do these systems work, what knowledge do decision-makers have, and where should the support of an ethics committee come in? What solutions can we offer to a situation that is leading us towards an increasingly unjust society?

The lecture will be held at 12:00h in Sala d'Actes Sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober B6.

No registration is needed

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