Good Food Makers program - Barilla is looking for innovative Startups with disruptive solutions in the food industry.

Barilla supports innovators in creating the future of joyful and sustainable food. The mission is to collaborate with solution makers in the food industry to catalyze the development of new sustainable food solutions and test a compelling solution for each of the 4 challenges.

Startups and top Barilla managers will co-develop an innovative plan to solve a challenge, helping participants grow their businesses in real-time. Each selected team will receive a PoC funding of €10,000 to use during the project collaboration and may establish a long-lasting relationship with Barilla.

For each category, one startup will be selected to access the program:

1) AI FOR CONSUMER INSIGHTS: Al technology tools to facilitate meaningful consumer insights collection and analysis;

2) TASTY AND HEALTHY: Innovative solutions that would allow salt and sugar reduction with no compromise on texture, taste and flavor;

3) ENERGY SHIFT: New equipment solutions for more efficient and sustainable energy generation;

4) SMART START: OPERATORS ON-BOARDING: Digital tools for newcomers on-boarding in production plants.

Expires on June 30, 2024

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