Postdoctoral Research Position per el Catalonia Institute for Energy Research

The Functional Nanomaterials Group in the Advanced Materials for Energy Area of IREC announces a  one year research position available for a highly motivated candidate to work in the EHAWEDRY Project: Energy harvesting via wetting/drying cycles with nanoporous electrodes.

The EHAWEDRY project proposes a radically new concept to harvest energy from waste heat, including very low grade waste heat, and convert it into electricity. EHAWEDRY teçchnology is based on the coupling of charging/discharging cycles of a capacitor with the drying/wetting of its nanoporous electrodes. The concept exploits the proportionality of capacity of electrochemical super-capacitors to the area of contact between the electrode and the electrolyte solution. While the proposed technology can be applied to a plethora of scenarios, within the EHAWEDRY project we will focus on identifying scenarios for medium scale waste recovery in the industry.

The candidate will carry out a multidisciplinary activity in line with the project main goal, including synthesis of porous materials, and their application to supercapacitors. Candidate must have a PhD in Chemistry, Physics, Material Science or equivalent. Previous experience in nanomaterial synthesis and the fabrication and test of supercapacitors will very valuable for the position. 

Deadline for applications: July 1st 2024, 12:00 AM (Spanish local time)

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