XPRIZE Quantum Applications is a 3-year, $5M global competition designed to generate quantum computing (QC) algorithms that can be put into practice to help solve real-world challenges.

Competing teams will develop new applications for quantum computers that can address complex, global challenges in climate, sustainability, health and beyond. 

XPRIZE Quantum Applications is actively seeking applicants working on quantum algorithms focused on sustainability and social impact. We welcome global innovators from various fields to participate in the competition. The winning submissions will most accelerate the field of quantum algorithms towards quantum advantage for positive real-world applications.


NOVEL ALGORITHM. A new quantum algorithm for solving a new class of problems with quantum advantage

NEW APPLICATION. Work showing how existing quantum algorithms can be used to solve previously unknown applications with a quantum advantage

ENHANCED PERFORMANCE. Work significantly reducing the resources required for a quantum computer to reach quantum advantage for an already established algorithm/application

Expires on July 01, 2024

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