2024 Startup Terrace Kaohsiung (STK) - Soft Landing program

Startup Terrace Kaohsiung is supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the most famous international startup hub base in southern Taiwan. Since 2021, we have cultivated 452 new startups and further linked international startups and partners to jointly build an innovation ecosystem.

We are excited to begin our 2024 Soft-Landing Program, and is ready to welcome excellent global startups to get easy access to Southern Taiwan market. You will gain a first-hand knowledge of Taiwan business environment, entrepreneurship ecosystem, potential sales opportunities, matchmaking with domestic companies and VCs through a one-month visit.

With a training agenda full of opportunities and support for the selected startups, it is your BEST gateway to explore Taiwan and beyond.

Focus area: 5G, AIoT, Smart manufacturing, Smart Habour, Greentech development & transformation

What selected startups will experience:

  • Guidance to Southern Taiwan market
  • Real-site visits & Business tours
  • Targeted Matchmaking, linking with VC, accelerators
  • Iconic Startup Events

Expires on June 28, 2024

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