Information Systems and Web Applications Technical Support Agent for the MIS Section per el Sincrotró ALBA

The Management Information Systems (MIS) section team designs, develops, operates and supports the management of Information Systems that support ALBA business processes and externally available experimental data services.

The MIS section team provides project and service management tools used transversally across the company divisions and provides support in defining business management processes.

The Technical Support Agent will report to the MIS section head and will be responsible for the management of the first level support transferring to the second level those that need higher specialized knowledge.

The successful candidate will attend to the incoming issues in the Management Information Systems Service Desk System, including:

• Their classification, prioritization triage and routing of the issues (service requests, direct system changes, incidents and problems – excluding change requests and enhancement requests) and the communication with the final user and the appropriate MIS section (Management Information Systems) software engineers.

• The resolution of the basic issues that have an existing documented solution/attention procedure.

In addition, she/he will contribute to the continuous improvement of the services and applications offered, either by detecting inconsistencies, proposing possible modifications or creating How-to manuals.

Finally, she/he will also provide technical support to the MIS Scrum Team for the In-House developed applications and business software solutions.

Deadline: 28/06/2024

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