Undergraduate Student - Web front-end internship (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB) is the central bioinformatics platform in Spain and the Spanish representative in the European bioinformatics infrastructure ELIXIR. INB is fully oriented to complete a solid integration with International Bioinformatics infrastructures, specifically the ELIXIR consortium.

Key Duties

  • Contribute to the development of front-end platforms and associated APIs for the current research projects in the Life Sciences department in close collaboration with back-end engineers.
  • Contribute to ensuring appropriate user experience at the developed front-ends.
  • Work with other developers at INB/ELIXIR-ES and other ELIXIR nodes to ensure the appropriate implementation of previously agreed standards and methodologies.

Data de tancament: Dilluns, 01 Juliol, 2024

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