Undergraduate Student (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Internet of Things (IoT) involves massive numbers of sensing devices with different capabilities, ranging from low-complexity sensors to smart cameras and actuators, generating huge volumes of data, which can be transformed into valuable knowledge through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data technologies, is transformed. In this context, edge computing has been rising as an emerging paradigm that brings computation closer to the data sources, bringing down latency and energy consumption with respect to cloud computing and enabling novel real-time services for domains such as smart city and smart transportation. Furthermore, the advent of 5G and beyond telecommunication technologies can offer the necessary bandwidth, ultra‐low latency, and massive device connectivity needed by the edge-enabled applications. However, even though edge computing and 5G networks have been evolving in parallel, they are not fully integrated, leaving a gap that must be addressed to jointly leverage computing and communication resources.

The research activities will be developed around the following topic:

- Design of simulation environments to validate MEC-enabled smart city scenarios (e.g., vehicular scenarios) and develop edge-related orchestration policies.

Key Duties

Research on the selected topic, programming of the developed models/environments and analysis of results

Write technical reports

Attend technical meetings

Data de tancament: Diumenge, 30 Juny, 2024

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