Software Engineer for the MIS Section per el Sincrotro Alba


The Management Information Systems (MIS) section team designs, develops, operates and supports the management of Information Systems that support ALBA business processes and externally available experimental data services.

The MIS section team provides project and service management tools used transversally across the company divisions and supports the definition of business management processes.

The successful candidate will join the MIS Section in the Computing division and will be part of the MIS SCRUM Team.

She/He reports to the MIS section head and is the responsible for:

• Developing SW Applications in Information Management projects for the ALBA Synchrotron, including scientific and support data

• Giving support to the existing MIS application and services provided to the organization

• Managing Data Bases

• Programming in multiple languages/frameworks (Python, Django, React, AngulaJS, etc. )

• Use DevOps techniques such us TDD, CI/CD, etc.

• Project development using Scrum

This is a unique opportunity to foster your professional development in a highly collaborative, inclusive, diverse and stimulating work environment.

If you have an Agile mindset; if you want to learn new programming languages being part of a high-performance team, we want to know about you! Join us!

Deadline: 28/06/2024

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