INphINIT “la Caixa” Fellowship Programme | ICN2 - Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia

The mission of the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) is to achieve the highest level of scientific and technological excellence in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Its research lines focus on the newly-discovered physical and chemical properties that arise from the behavior of matter at the nanoscale. ICN2 has been awarded with the Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence distinction for two consecutive periods (2014-2018 and 2018-2022). ICN2 comprises 19 Research Groups, 7 Technical Development and Support Units and Facilities, and 2 Research Platforms, covering different areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

ICN2 has published 10 projects for a PhD Students under the INPhINIT programme:

  • Advanced atomic scale study of hybrid (quantum) nanowire networks (ICREA Professor and Group Leader Jordi Arbiol Cobos)
  • Biomimetic Nanophotonic Sensors for Cancer Immunotherapy Studies (CSIC Professor Laura M. Lechuga)
  • Nanostructuring ultrastable glasses towards building new multibit memories (Full professor Javier Rodriguez-Viejo)
  • Green Synthesis and Fabrication of Pb-free Halide Perovskites and MXenes for Solar Energy Conversion (GreenSolar) (Prof. Monica Lira-Cantu)
  • Porous Liquids for CO2 capture (ICREA Research Professor Daniel Maspoch)
  • Atomic-scale tailored electrocatalyst materials for renewable fuels and chemicals production (ICREA Research Professor María Escudero Escribano)
  • Photon emission with atomic resolution in graphene-based nanoarchitectures (Research Professor Aitor Mugarza)
  • Toward ab-initio million-scale quantum transport calculations (Prof. Stephan Roche)
  • 2D materials-based next-generation healthcare neuromorphic devices (Prof. Dr. Jose Garrido)
  • Electrochemistry from First Principles: Electrolyte Dynamics and Chemical Reactions on Electrified Interfaces (Prof. Pablo Ordejon)

Deadline: 24 January 2024

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