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We are seeking an experienced and highly motivated advanced researcher in the field of environmental engineering or environmental sciences who could lead some of the tasks assigned to ICRA in the MULTISOURCE EU project, specifically all those related to the ICRA’s pilot plants and co-benefits quantification. The advanced researcher will perform research related to an specific type of nature-based solutions for greywater treatment (i.e. green walls). The candidate will also interact with various stakeholders from the diferent pilots involved in the MULTISOURCE project, attending meetings, conferences and workshops. Finally, he/she may occasionally be able to collaborate on some other ICRA NBS projects. The overall goal of MULTISOURCE ( is to, together with local, national, and international stakeholders, (i) demonstrate a variety of Enhanced Natural Treatment Solutions (ENTS) treating a wide range of urban waters, and (ii) to develop innovative tools, methods, and business models that support citywide planning and long-term operations and maintenance of nature-based solutions for water treatment, storage, and reuse in urban areas worldwide. The project includes seven pilots treating a wide range of urban waters (Girona, Oslo, Lyon, Leipzig, Milan, Leper and USA). ICRA is (i) leading the development and testing of the Technology selection & design tool, a web-based decision-support tool for stakeholders to facilitate the selection and design of NBS for water treatment, and (ii) coordinating the Girona pilot (hybrid green walls for greywater treatment). ICRA is also in charge of the quantification of the co-benefits of all MULTISOURCE pilots. Project has recevied funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101003527.


The key duties of the research technician advanced include: - Leading the MULTISOURCE tasks related to: 

1. Quantification of the co-benefits or ecosystem services provided by NBS for water treatment. 

2. Coordinating the experimental design and supervision of the experiments with the hybrid green wall treating greywater at ICRA (performance, risk assessment, nutrient recovery, cost-benefit). 

3. Representing ICRA and Multisource in the NBS Monitoring Task Force. 

4. Leading the comparative analysis of the co-benefits monitoring for the seven Multisource pilots. 

5. Collaborating with the validation of the online tool of the Multisource Project that aims to facilitate the design of NBS for urban water treatment. 

6. Supervising research work (internships, undergraduate final projects, master thesis and doctoral thesis). 

7. Writing reports and scientific articles. 

8. Collaborate in the drafting of new proposals for Spanish or European projects.


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