Join us at Amazon Women of the World: Career Spotlights – 2024 Internships

Are you a student and looking for an internship with Amazon in 2024?

Amazon Women of the World is thrilled to invite you to our upcoming event on the 16th January 2024: Career Spotlights – 2024 Internships.

This session is aimed at current University students who are interested in applying to all Amazon internships for 2024 (e.g. a Business Analyst Intern, Finance Intern, Marketing Intern). You will hear what it’s like to work a day in these roles from current interns, as well as get valuable insight about the interview experience. We will also be joined by an Amazonian guest speaker, who will be speaking about how they joined Amazon and their career to date.

This is a unique opportunity for EMEA students currently enrolled at University and expected to graduate between 2025-2026.

Date: 16th January 2024.

Time: 5PM-6PM (CET)

Location: Virtual (Zoom)

This event is primarily for women interested in a career at Amazon.

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