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Work in Denmark - Destination Kalundborg | EURES - European Job Days

Denmark is full of beautiful places, but we think Kalundborg is special – and a great place to live, work and study. Around 49.000 people already live here, but thanks to the rapid growth in the area, there’s always room for more. So, whether you’re looking for your dream job, an affordable home, beautiful nature, family friendly beaches, good local food, wineries, cultural activities and rich mediaeval history – we have it all!

Kalundborg is a friendly community with welcoming networks and a plethora of exiting things to do for the whole family. So, no matter what interests and hobbies you have, you'll (almost certainly) find it here.

There are many benefits to living here, especially if you live close to your workplace. You can use the extra spare time with your family or on your favourite hobby or sport. You can enjoy a second cup of coffee in the morning, see your children off to school and save a lot of money not having to commute several hundred kilometres a week.

And Kalundborg is only an hour´s drive from the capital city of Copenhagen.

Kalundborg - The Biotech City

Also known as the Biotech City, Kalundborg plays a large part in driving growth in Denmark – an industrial hotspot within biotechnological production. 

Our city is home to the world’s largest insulin production plant, the world’s largest enzyme production plant and the world leading industrial symbiosis. And that’s not all, here’s also many smaller companies and startups, a lively education hub and a unique community, working together to improve our local environment.

Kalundborg - Find your dream job

Kalundborg municipality’s historic growth isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

There are lots of opportunities to find your dream job or further your career. Unemployment is very low across all industries and whether you work in biotech, aged care, construction, administration or sales, you’ll often find available jobs in both the public and private sectors.

At the job fair you can find jobs within:

  • Life Science
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction (skilled and highly qualified)
  • Engineering
  • Management
  • It/technology
  • And many others

We would love to welcome you to Kalundborg and hope you will join the upcoming fair.

Find jobs in Kalundborg.

Find your next education in Kalundborg

The fair is not only for jobseekers. You can also find out more about studying in Kalundborg.

What educational directions can you take in Kalundborg and within what areas? Chat directly with representatives from the educational institutions and Consultants from the municipality of Kalundborg.

Find out more about Kalundbor

Quan: 05 December 2023

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