‘R2- Senior position in the field of flexibility energy management from smart buildings and electric vehicles per l'IREC


• Lead and conduct research pertaining to modeling and optimization of aggregation services.

• Devise innovative aggregation services, encompassing services for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) systems and renewable energy generation.

• Design aggregation strategies to maximize the local renewable generation within neighborhoods, considering potential signals from the distribution grid.

• Assess building flexibility by combining forecasted flexibility from various building devices.

• Develop an energy management system that allows V2G / V2B functionalities considering both aggregation signals and market interaction using software tools such as Python, GAMS and R.

• Collaborate with other researchers and stakeholders to develop and validate models and algorithms.

• Write impactful research papers and present research findings at conferences and workshops.

• Collaborate with national and international stakeholders to prepare competitive project proposals.

Deadline for application: December 15th, 2023

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