Workshop: Fatigue in Automotive parts: challenges when facing lightweight construction on chassis parts

The Fatigue4Light project invites you to a new industrial workshop to showcase the challenges within lightweight construction for chassis parts, emphasizing fatigue testing, materials, and methodologies to optimize durability.

During the event, our panel of experts will address the complexities of fatigue in automotive parts, spanning from material science (microstructure influence), testing methodologies, numerical formulations, to practical applications in safety components and hot stamping processes.

The workshop will not only emphasize the significance of understanding fatigue in materials, but also showcase innovative strategies and advancements contributing to the future of durable lightweight automotive design.

Quan: January 16th | 9.00h - 13.30h CET

On: Eurecat Manresa, Plaça de la Ciència, 2, 08242 Manresa

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