Webinar Fatigue4Light – Driving sustainability: eco-design and Life Cycle Assessment approaches for Electric Vehicles
The Fatigue4Light project invites you to take part in the webinar “Driving sustainability: eco-design and Life Cycle Assessment approaches for Electric Vehicles”, showcasing the main results related to eco-design, Life Cycle Assessment methodologies and Life Cost Assessment techniques.
In addition, the webinar will count with a great array of professionals representing three European-funded projects working on the next-generation of electric vehicle batteries and promoting a more sustainable mobility focused on eco-design approaches: MARBEL, COBRA and LIBERTY.
The Fatigue4Light project is developing lightweight solutions adapted to the chassis parts of Electric Vehicles to enhance weight reduction compared to current solutions and increase vehicles’ safety due to reduced sprung mass. The project is focused on the development of new tests and computer simulation methods to better estimate the fatigue life of chassis components and to select the optimal materials for lighter vehicle chassis.
Fatigue4Light is one of the first projects tackling weight reduction in automotive chassis parts, which is a necessary step to further progress in electric vehicle lightweighting, as reduction of vehicle weight impacts positively in CO2 emissions, electric vehicle autonomy, driveability and security.
Quan: January 15th | 10.00h - 11.30h CET, Online
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