Master Student - Computational Biology Group (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computational Biology group, led by ICREA professor Alfonso Valencia, is looking for a Master student to work on a multiscale modelling project, and more specifically, on the modelling of COVID-19 infection dynamics combining an upper airways simulator (Alya) together with a simulator of the infection of the epithelial epithelium (PhysiBoSS). The project will involve the building of a digital twin of a drug assay in COVID-19 patients that identifies the best treatment for each patient and condition. To do so, the student will need to bridge from the virus delivery on the lung epithelial cells and its effects on the cells’ pathways up to the distribution of viruses in the different alveoli to find interventions points in the COVID-19 infection of lung cells that explain the different patients’ response. The successful candidate will join a dynamic research group within the Life Sciences department, which integrates independent senior scientists that work on various aspects of computational biology, ranging from bioinformatics for genomics and proteomics to computational biochemistry and text mining. The Researcher will work in a highly sophisticated HPC environment, have access to systems and computational infrastructures, and establish collaborations with experts in different areas.

Key Duties

  • Gather data from publicly available databases and gather information on COVID-19 treatments that allow for the tailoring of the multiscale simulation to each patient subtype.
  • Explore the use of clinical data (transcriptomics, anatomopathological images, etc) to personalise models to patients with different COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Query these digital twins to identify intervention points that may be specific for a given subset of patients.
  • Define the interaction between the tools and their integration into a common workflow that scales efficiently in HPC systems such as MareNostrum 4 and 5.
  • Collaborate in the preparation and presentation of research projects.
  • Participate in internal group meetings and other scientific discussions

Data de tancament: Dissabte, 16 Desembre, 2023

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