Undergraduate Student - System Administrator/Operator (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

We are looking for students with technical expertise for our System Operations team within the Operations Department.

We offer paid internship contract with flexible working hours respecting the course hours of each candidate.

Key Duties

First level support of incidents (tickets) in the system administration group- reception, filter and resolution

Management of user accounts in the supercomputers of the BSC-CNS (accounts creation, etc.)

Opening and monitoring of the MareNostrum hardware incidents and the rest of the BSC-CNS supercomputers

Control and first-level support of the centre's backup system

Support to the hardware tasks of the various data centres of the BSC-CNS (labels, cables, etc.)

First-level support for the virtual machines of the various clouds hosted by the BSC-CNS

Inventory management of the various network components and BSC-CNS´ systems

Monitoring of the center networks

Defined procedures implementation and improvement for the operations team

Data de tancament: Dissabte, 16 Desembre, 2023

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