First Stage Researcher (R 1.1) in the frame of the Advanced PV characterization research line per l'IREC

The Solar Energy Materials and Systems (SEMS) group announces a position for a First Stage Researcher (R 1.6) in the frame of the Advanced PV characterization research line.

Position description: The candidate will carry out a multidisciplinary technical and scientific activity centred in the advanced characterization of chalcogenide based thin film photovoltaic devices, with special focus on advanced CIGS bifacial devices, including the application of advanced spectroscopic techniques and their correlation with structural, physicochemical and optoelectronic techniques for process and device optimisation. The work will be implemented in frame of the characterization of PV devices and materials research line.

Tasks to develop: The candidate will work on the application of different techniques that allow control the structural (XRD, Raman), compositional (XRF, EDX, XPS), morphologic (SEM, AFM, confocal), optical (transmittance/reflectance) and electrical (4-point probe, Hall effect, I-V) properties of the layers, devices and processes for device and process optimistion. This also include the extension of these techniques to methodologies for quality control and process monitoring.

Deadline: December 7 th 2023

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