Cloud Computing Engineer per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Operations Department ensures the continuous daily functioning of the BSC computing and data infrastructures, and remote access by users both within Spain and internationally. In addition to all the routine maintenance and operations tasks, the Department staff is also heavily involved in planning and designing new systems and support facilities.

We are looking for candidates with a technical background, with enthusiasm for working in a scientific research environment, who will become part of the BSC Operations team and participate in the activities of support as DevOps for the Cloud infrastructure of the Center.

Key Duties

  • Deploy software solutions for the cloud computing infrastructure at BSC.
  • Work with researchers to design and implement their project in the Cloud infrastructure
  • Give support to researchers who are using the cloud infrastructure at BSC.
  • Participate in the SPACIOUS project, and similar projects activities, collect requirements, find and propose solutions, and test performances.

Data de tancament: Dimecres, 06 Novembre, 2024

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