Leadership in Mediterranean Green Shipping: Innovations, Excellence, and Collaboration

Co-organized by the World Ocean Council and Barcelona Activa, this event is organised within the context of the European GREEN MARINE MED project.

Project website: https://www.oceancouncil.org/greenmarinemed/

Event agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uz3MSxBxT6krIJAcrhaN3uu-dIH0AjNw/view

This event will take place on the 4th of November 2024 from 09:00 to 12:00 CEST at Port Olímpic (Sala Mestral), Barcelona. Find more information on how to get there at: https://portolimpic.barcelona/en/contact/how-to-get-there

Due to capacity restrictions, please be advised that participation in the event is subject to the approval of the organizers. Completing the registration form does not guarantee a place in the event.

To access the venue, complete the following form with your personal information. This will allow us to coordinate your participation effectively and ensure you have an outstanding experience for the launch of the Centre of Excellence on Green Shipping and the International Call for Innovation. 

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