PhD position in mesh adaptation and wind farm simulation (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The PhD position is located in the context of the REWIND project (Adaptive turbine REalingment simulation framework for WIND power forecasting) in the Physical and Numerical Modelling group from the CASE Department.

We are looking to cover a PhD Student position to work on Adaptive Mesh Refinement for wind farm simulation.

Prospective candidates may take a look at the following papers to get an initial idea of our focus:

A level set-based actuator disc model for turbine realignment in wind farm simulation: Meshing, convergence and applications:

A hybrid meshing framework adapted to the topography to simulate atmospheric boundary layer flows:

Mesh generation, sizing and convergence for onshore and offshore wind farm Atmospheric Boundary Layer flow simulation with actuator discs:

A CFD framework for offshore and onshore wind farm simulation:

Key Duties

  • Devise and implement an adaptive strategy to simulate wind farms
  • Improve the existing generic adaptive framework in the group solver Alya
  • Perform simulations and assess the improvement of the devised adaptive AMR strategy

Data de tancament: Dimarts, 05 Novembre, 2024

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