Predoctoral Contract on organic pollutants in air, water, sediments, soils and fish per a IDAEA

The Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) is offering a PhD contract for the PID2023 project Recoveries from pollution in water, organisms, air and food in the Ebro River after remediation of the wastes dumped from a chlor-alkali plant (Flix Reservoir): Extrapolation to other river systems (REC-FLIX).

The candidate will perform:

Field work for the sampling of the environmental compartments to be studied: air, water, sediments, soils and fish, along the lower course of the Ebro River, from Riba-roja reservoir to the river’s mouth.

Analysis of trace organic pollutants present in the samples (mainly organohalogen compounds, pesticides and heavy metals).

Investigate the relationship between exposure to these compounds and potential toxic effects on organisms.

Deadline: 31 October 2024

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