Invited IMB-CNM Talks: Wide and Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductors

24 Oct 2024 - 10:15  -  Sala d'Actes Pepe Millán, IMB-CNM / Online

Double sessions with two invited researchers about Invited wide and ultrawide bandgap semiconductors:

10:15h - Gallium Oxide Thin Films Research Activities at the Institute of Solid State Physics (University of Latvia)

By Dr. Edgars Butanovs, Leading Researcher, ISSP, University of Latvia, Latvia

11:00h - Advancing Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductors: Design and Processing Technology for SiC, GaN, and Ga2O3

By Professor Mike Jennings, University of Swansea, UK

Please contact this event host, Dr. Amador Pérez-Tomas (, in order to reserve some time for a personal meeting with Prof. Butanovs and Prof. Jennings.

The Wide and Ultrawidebandgap seminar is supported by EU HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-01 Safer and More Reliable WBG/UWBG-Based MVDC Power Converters (SAFEPOWER) 101172940 which is coordinated by IMB-CNM-CSIC.


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