Applications are invited for postdoc positions at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS). Research activities will be focused on one or several of the following topics, among others:
1. Research on analog in memory accelerators for AI
2. New numerical formats and way of computing AI related operations on analog computers.
3. Software Hardware codesign for emerging LLM and foundational models using analog computing.
Experience in some of these topics is strongly appreciated.
The funding for these actions/fellowships and contracts comes from the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility - Next Generation, within the framework of the General Invitation by the public business entity to participate in the talent attraction and retention programs within Investment 4 of Component 19 of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.
For more information, please check:
Key Duties
- Conduct a research the the proposed topics
- Write papers, deliverables and patents
Data de tancament: Dijous, 31 Octubre, 2024
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