Conference: The egg or the chicken? Hidden morphology in bio-mineralized tissues and structures by EBSD analysis

On the week November 17th till November 21st, we will be receiving Prof. Raul Bolmaro, from the Institute of Physics of Rosario, Argentina. Prof. Bolmaro will be giving three lectures financed by EUSMAT (European School of Materials). Prof. Bolmaro is the director of one of the most prestigious research institutes in Materials Science in Argentina. He will be offering three lectures with a broad range of topics, so we hope they can be really interesting for most of you.

Lectures will take place at 10.30 (am) in the “Sala Polivalente” building I, of the EEBE Campus. Lectures will last 50 minutes plus some extra time for discussion and questions.

Assistance is free to the entire University community. The assistance of PhD students can be acknowledged as credits in their doctoral activities (after the lecture, provide your email to send the assistance confirmation letter).

October 19th, Wednesday, 10.30am, Sala polivalente, Building I

The egg or the chicken? Hidden morphology in bio-mineralized tissues and structures by EBSD analysis.

Study of the evolution of bio-mineralized tissues in different species may carry information about the relationship between them, the driving forces for the evolution and competitive advantages presented by each microstructure.

We show calcite microstructures in different species, crossing several taxa, and their probable correlation with biophysical and biomechanical properties.

A deeper analysis is performed in a few avian species, related by the parasite-host interactions, including predation and parasitism behavior. Conclusions are reached about the microstructure influence on mechanical properties and co-evolutionary arms race. 

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